Feelings are still there (Υπάρχουν Ακόμα Συναισθήματα) by Vasileios Zisopoulos

A breathtaking adventure taking place over Athens and the Greek islands

Feelings are still there (υπάρχουν ακόμα συναισθήματα)

Pavlos is a special kind of man who can actually have whatever he desires. Sharp minded and driven by solid, cold reasoning, that sets aside his feelings and emotional intelligence, he overcomes all unfortunate events and achieves the milestones he always aimed for in his life. Happiness comes as a predicted consequence of his persistent efforts. But... what will happen when his past returns and demands its share of his happy life? Is it possible, a man predestined to become a society's exemplar to end up as the evil's personification? Or maybe not?

Genre: FICTION / Action & Adventure

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / Action & Adventure

Language: Greek

Keywords: Action, Adventure, Drama, Love, Sea, Islands, Feelings, Mystery, Thriller

Word Count: 190.000

Sample text:

 Ένιωθαν έτοιμοι να ολοκληρώσουν την αγάπη τους, κι η λέξη η βαριά κι ανάλαφρη ταυτόχρονα, η πιο πολυτραγουδισμένη, «σ’ αγαπώ», ήρθε στο στόμα τους την στιγμή που ενώθηκαν σ’ ένα σώμα, ριγώντας από τον χείμαρρο των αισθήσεων, που τους παρέσυρε ως τον προσωπικό τους παράδεισο.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Olga Nikou
Already translated. Translated by Deb Dutta
Author review:
Translated from Greek to Hindi. Cannot know about the traslation itself - since I don't know the specific language, however, we had an excellent cooperation while he was translating.
Translation in progress. Translated by ANDRE DIOGO WEBER 2
Translation in progress. Translated by María Quintero

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
