El Círculo by Mario Escobar

A Psychological Thriller

El círculo

The plot of the novel The Circle:
The famous psychiatrist Solomon Lewin has left his humanitarian work in India to serve as the chief psychiatrist at the Center for Psychological Illness located in London's Square Mile financial district. Though well paid, the job is monotonous, and Solomon is also going through a rough patch in his marriage with Margaret. He begins scrutinizing the more mysterious cases of the center’s long-term residents hoping to find something worth his time. When he comes across the chart of Maryam Batool, a young broker from London who has lived in the center for seven years, his life will change forever.
Maryam Batool is an orphan from Pakistan who became one of the most promising female employees of the financial institution General Society, but in the summer of 2007, at the start of the financial crisis, the young broker loses her mind and tries to kill herself. Since then she has been stuck, able only to draw circles yet unable to understand their meaning. 
A snow storm looms over the city at the start of the Christmas holidays. Before Christmas Eve dinner, Solomon receives an urgent call from the center to come at once: Maryam has attacked a nurse and seems to be awakening from her long stupor.
Solomon heads downtown in the snow, clueless that this will be the most difficult night of his life. The psychiatrist does not trust his patient, the police are after them, and his family seems to be in danger. The only way to protect himself and those he loves is to discover what “The Circle” is and why everyone seems to want his patient dead. It’s a surprise ending and a mystery you won’t believe.

What is hiding in the City of London? Who is behind the biggest business center in the world? What is the truth behind “The Circle”? Can Solomon save his family?

Genre: FICTION / Thrillers

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Suspense

Language: Spanish

Keywords: suspense, mystery, horror, thriller, m

Word Count: 41.839

Sales info:

Bestselling books in English, German and Spanish over 100,000 copies sold at Amazon

Sample text:



Londres, verano del año  2007.


El apartamento de lujo de Maryam en plena City era uno de los que tenían mejores vistas del Támesis y la envidia de sus compañeros de la bolsa.  Maryam Batool había conseguido en apenas cuatro años convertirse en una de las mujeres más poderosas e influyentes del mundo bursátil y se sentía eufórica aquella mañana del 6 de agosto. 

La noche anterior se había acostado a las cuatro de la madrugada después de acudir a la fiesta de un príncipe Saudita, donde la cocaína y el champan habían convertido el final de la fiesta en una auténtica orgía.  A Maryam todo aquello le parecía que formaba parte del mundo de los negocios y de la profesión que había elegido; su estricta educación musulmana se había disipado en su conciencia como una niebla incómoda que desaparece por completo cuando nace la luz del sol. Ella se consideraba totalmente atea. Lo único que existía en el mundo era el dinero. La fuente de toda felicidad. Éste podía producir placeres inimaginables, romper todos los tabúes que te hubieran puesto tus padres y profesores, hasta la completa libertad de la conciencia. O al menos eso pensaba, ya que Maryam era huérfana.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Isabelle de ROSE
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