Dreamstate: A Conspiracy Theory by Jed McKenna

If life is but a dream, to what do we awake?

Dreamstate: a conspiracy theory

The central premise of Dreamstate: A Conspiracy Theory, is the admittedly ridiculous but incontrovertibly true assertion that the universe does not exist.

This is something you can understand conceptually, like watching a documentary about Antarctica, or experientially, like moving to Antarctica.

There’s also a related phenomenon where you fall asleep watching the documentary and wake up in the frozen wasteland.

That’s gotta be weird, but the truth is that you’re asleep in a barren wasteland dreaming that you’re not, so that’s where waking up gets you.

Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Secondary Genre: PHILOSOPHY / Eastern

Language: English

Keywords: Zen, Advaita, Buddhism, Taoism, Mysticism, Yoga, Satori, Meditation, Self-realization, Nonduality, awakening

Word Count: 56,677

Sales info:

We have 10 Jed McKenna titles that have already sold well over a million copies in 80+ countries. 

The Enlightenment Trilogy

The Dreamstate Trilogy

The Jed Talks Trilogy

Coming 2024: The Jedvaita Trilogy: The Way the World Unfolds

“Jed McKenna is an American original.” -Lama Surya Das

“Absolutely marvelous, splendid, perfect books!” -Shri Acharya

“These books have profoundly changed my life.” -C. Jensen

“These three books are precious gifts to humanity.” -E. De Vries

“Thank you for the books. I’ve been waiting all my life for them.” -C. Vankeith

“I can think of no other author I’d recommend more highly.” -M.R. Fleming

"I say an eternal thank you for the Trilogy. The books continue to challenge my mind and life. I ordered my 4th complete set. Nothing compares to this writing." -J.H.


Sample text:

Dear Translator,

If you would like to get an idea of Jed's writing style, please go to Amazon and download Kindle samples. If you are confident that you can capture the author's unique voice, and create a competent and idiomatic translation suitable for all regions in which your language is spoken, then please use the Make Offer button to begin one of the books. We'll sign the agreement and hire an impartial translator to look at your first ten pages and tell us how you did. 

We look forward to working with you!

Wisefool Press

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Unavailable for translation.
Unavailable for translation.
Translation in progress. Translated by Bruno Pelegrini

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
