Doctor Margaret In Delhi: Book 2 of The Azadi Series by Waheed Rabbani

An American/Canadian lady doctor goes to India and gets involved in the 1857 Indian Rebellion/Mutiny.

Doctor margaret in delhi: book 2 of the azadi series

Category: Historical Fiction-Romance

 Doctor Margaret in Delhi is Book 2 of The Azadi Series and a sequel to, Book 1: Doctor Margaret's Sea Chest. This historical fiction novel continues with Margaret's journey from the time she and her Canadian husband participated in the 1854 Crimean War.

 Doctor Margaret travels alone to India to be with her parents at the American Presbyterian Mission at Futtehgurh, and then on to her posting at a hospital in Delhi. There she has to not only overcome work pressures, but also deal with her intimidators and intrigues of the Mughals, at the Delhi Red Fort.

 Margaret's tormentor since her childhood, Captain Albert, also joins a British regiment bound for service in India. The Russian, Captain Count Nicholai, whom Margaret had met in Crimea, also arrives in India under the guise of a French physician.

 The events leading up to the Indian Mutiny/Rebellion that breaks out in 1857 profoundly affect not only Margaret's life, but also of those who love her and others’ who wish her harm.

 Also, mixed-up in the bedlam is one of the King of Delhi, Shah Zafar, Red Fort’s Guard’s sepoy, Sharif Khan Bhadur, the grandfather of Doctor Wallidad, an American doctor.

 The Azadi Series covers the exciting events and turmoil that inflamed India from 1857 to 1947, and led to her independence. Those incidences engulf the characters of this story at that time, and then later their descendant's lives, again in the 1960s.

Genre: FICTION / Historical

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Romance / General

Language: English

Keywords: India, 1857, Delhi, Lady Doctor, Mughal Empire, British Raj

Word Count: 130,000

Sales info:

This book was published in May 2015. So far sales have been good, and has received good reviews and high ranking.

Sample text:

Arrival in Calcutta

1855, January: Calcutta, India

IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, the stillness of the ship woke me. I lay on the narrow bunk bed in the tiny cabin, wondering what could be the matter. After spending weeks—which had seemed nearly a lifetime—rolling and pitching about, and trying to keep my belongings secure in the cupboards, the eerie tranquility was unbelievable. Were we there already? I did not think so, for just that morning the grey-bearded Captain had said, “It’s still one more day to Calcutta, ma’am.”

Throwing off the covers, I jumped out of bed and peered through the small porthole. In the foggy darkness, I could only discern the outline of some thatched-roofed huts and flickering lights on the shore. Indeed, we had reached our destination! Unable to contain my excitement—and taking care not to awaken the lady who slept snoring on the opposite bed—I put on a petticoat, a dark gown and a bonnet. I made sure that I tucked in my long, fair hair, for I did not wish to get it wet in the mist. I tiptoed out of the cabin and proceeded towards the companionway. Despite the late hour, I could not wait to take a first look at India, the land I had read and heard so much about; the country of my dreams.

As I stepped on deck and walked up to the railing, the warm, misty night air and a rotten eggs like stench, from the floating sewage, engulfed me. Sailors bustled about, shouting instructions to each other, doing the chores needed to anchor the ship, while I stood with my elbows propped on the handrail and gazed out into the steamy, gloomy night. Where were all those lovely buildings I had heard some of the passengers talk about?

“Is Calcutta out there?” I asked one of the sailors.

“No, ma’am. We be just at the mouth of the ’Ooghly. A bit o’ the ways to go yet.” He touched his cap and hurried along.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Adri van Schalkwyk
Author review:
Adri did a wonderful job of translating this Book 2 of the series as she had done for Book 1. Most of the Afrikaan speaking readers considered it to be a close reproduction of the English version, and she reproduced the book keeping the author's voice and flow of the narrative. Adri also completed the work on time and was most receptive and obliging to any requests from the author. It was a pleasure to work with Adri.
Already translated. Translated by RAJIV KUMAR SRIVASTAVA
Author review:
Rajiv worked very hard and diligently from the beginning, the book's front cover, to the end, the back cover of the project. It was a pleasure to work with him, and he was always mindful of any suggestions and comments, and delivered the product on schedule. My Hindi speaking relatives and friends, who read the translation, spoke very highly of the quality of the translation, particularly that he maintained the author's voice and the novel is a pleasure to read. Thank you very much Rajiv, for all your efforts and I'm looking forward to your translation of my other novels. Rajiv is highly recommended to other authors for translating their novels into Hindi. Waheed Rabbani
Already translated. Translated by Riccardo Mainetti
Author review:
Riccardo did a wonderful translation of this long novel, which was liked by my Italian speaking friends. It was a pleasure to work with Riccardo, he communicated regularly, and he delivered the translated book's cover, text, synopsis, and author bio, all on time. I am looking forward to have Riccardo translate my other books as well, and would highly recommend him to other authors and publishers.
Already translated. Translated by Raul Adalberto de Campos
Author review:
Raul worked very hard on this translation to make it a smooth and a pleasurable read. He took particular care to get the English/Hindustani/Urdu terms into Portuguese just right. He met the work completion deadlines ahead of time and communicated well with the author throughout the project. Raul is highly recommended as a translator.
Already translated. Translated by John William Whitten
Author review:
Juan did a wonderful job of translating this Book 2 of the series as he had done for Book 1. Most of the Spanish speaking reviewers considered it to be a close reproduction of the English version, and he reproduced the book keeping the author's voice and flow of the narrative. Juan also completed the work on time and was most receptive and obliging to any requests from the author. It was a pleasure to work with Juan.

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
