Destiny By Grace talks about entering your destiny by grace. Firstly, you have to receive 4 colorful robes meaning the red robe which represent the blood of Jesus, then the green robe, this is a stage of patience, then the blue which represents joy, and lastly the yellow which is breakthrough. All this is freely given to you by grace, it's God's love and favor to send his son for you to be saved and move to your destiny. After this, the book explores on the topic of worship, you start now to thank God for his love and grace because he saved you, this worship attitude will give you healing, joy, revelation of your gifting, and you will surely enter your destiny. Then we move to the topic of Jesus' love and grace for his people, compared to the way a man has to find an ideal wife to marry. Lastly, it speaks about the destiny of grace, how the grace trains you to renounce worldliness, to live a godly life, waiting for the blessed hope of eternal life, and you have to do good works through your gifting, this is how you enter your destiny.
This is a great book for international audience.
or me to enter my destiny, it was by grace for sure. This is because I had to pass the stage of giving my life to Jesus Christ and receiving the Holy Spirit before I discovered my gifting. I believe that the blood of Jesus Christ is the first stage that you have to pass through before you enter your destiny. I had to experience this for me to have this understanding. When I went to college in Zimbabwe, I had a desire to have this new beginning. So I went to the college library, and started reading a book about the Holy Spirit. Then I prayed to God saying, oh Lord the day that I will finish reading this book, let me receive the Holy Spirit. To my surprise, it happened exactly as I prayed. The day I finished reading that book, a friend of mine came to my room and he told me to open the Bible in Psalm 51, which is a prayer of repentance. He told me to repeat that prayer three times, and when I finished, he then told me to go with him outside. Then he told me to kneel down and begin to pray. When I started praying, no other words, could come out of my mouth, than to just say, by the power of the blood of Jesus continually. After some time I began to cry, and confess my sins. Then I realized I had been forgiven and I received the Holy Spirit that day. The next morning I was a different person altogether. This was the start of my journey towards entering my destiny.
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Already translated.
Translated by Fabiana Pereira
Already translated.
Translated by Claudio Valerio Gaetani and Carmen Lucía Hurtado Tejada