Cryptocurrency: The ultimate guide to trade in Cryptocurrency by Nick Lee

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Cryptocurrency: the ultimate guide to trade in cryptocurrency


Cryptocurrency market has been growing fast since its emergence in recent years. Moreover, digital finance has forged the convergence of profit motives with social objectives creating a class of large FinTech companies. In addition, the underlying technology innovation may be applied to a wide range of industries, not limited to financial sector. Yet, few researches have been done to study these phenomena. Hence, it is the task of this book to shed light on the introduction and trends in FinTech, blockchain and token sales.

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Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / Affirmations

Language: English

Keywords: cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, bitcoin, digital currency, cryptocurrency books, cryptocurrency trading, cryptocurrency investing, cryptocurrency mining

Word Count: 11947

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Sample text:

What is all this fork stuff anyway? It concerns the blocks of the blockchain, the tables containing information about transactions. One Bitcoin (BTC) has 1Mb, maximum block size, and as a result only 250,000 transactions BTC per day are possible, with 7 transactions per second. Bitcoin Cash(BCC) has a maximum 8Mb block size limit that allows many more transactions per second. 

The number of transactions, with this could be about 2,000,000 per day. When you consider that  the VISA system is capable of handling up to 56,000 transactions per second, with an average of about 2,000 and daily peak of about 4,000, you see there is a big problem. A problem of scalability that Bitcoin must solve if it is to replace fiat money.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Juan T. Krejer

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