Cryptocurrency: Ripple: The ultimate techniques to understanding Cryptocurrency by Thomas Patel

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Cryptocurrency: ripple: the ultimate techniques to understanding cryptocurrency


The exponential growth of the cryptosphere over the previous half-decade has brought with it a plethora of life-changing speculative opportunities. Where traditional financial markets seem inaccessible and ineffectual due to the prevalence of high fees and low returns, the emergence of a worldwide market of decentralised alternatives to Bitcoin allows for those unable (or unwilling) to navigate the often-slippery world of hedge funds and investment banks the chance to realise financial freedom.

Includes trade examples, how to setup your trades, examples of when trades don't work, and additional tips to help increase profitability.

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Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / Aging

Language: English

Keywords: cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, bitcoin, digital currency, cryptocurrency books, cryptocurrency trading, cryptocurrency investing, cryptocurrency mining

Word Count: 10832

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Sample text:

If a tree fell in a forest and there are two cameras recording the event, then we can be certain that the tree actually fell since there is visual evidence of the event. However, if one camera recorded the falling of the tree while the other did not, then we cannot be certain that the tree actually fell. This is the concept behind the value of the blockchain network. The nodes within the network are the cameras in our analogy. If the nodes are in consensus that the event happened at a particular time, then there is certainty that the event happened. For a transaction to be confirmed as valid, the majority of the nodes have to reach consensus that the transaction actually happened. However, instead of using cameras, the nodes use mathematical puzzles for validation. 

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