Change your life for the better using the power of thought, feeling,and belief.

Create your life by force

What if you discovered the key to success wasn’t as difficult to obtain as you’d thought? What if it was within you all along?

 Much as we are unable to see gravity—though we feel its dynamic pull every day—so too is this Force present in our every movement. Create Your Life by Force can help you harness this power.

 Transform the way you view your path in life. If you’ve spent years believing your destiny has already been selected for you and that you are powerless to change it, think again. There is no such thing as a lucky person. There is no such thing as being a victim of circumstances.

 You have the power to shape your future. You possess the capacity to achieve greatness.

 As you fully realize the true potential within the Force, you will begin to witness abundance in all areas of life. Whether you dream of success in your career, intimate relationships, or income or you hope for better health, Create Your Life by Force shows you how to turn your dreams into reality.

 Using the step-by-step guidelines outlined in Create Your Life by Force, you can begin transforming your future—today!

Your life is a true reflection of your accumulated past thoughts. Everything that is in your reality in this universe came to pass out of your preceding thoughts.

 What you imagine creates your future. What you dream can become your reality. And the power all resides within you.

Create Your Life by Force is a transformative and illuminating self-help book that can help you change your life for the better. You’ll never again feel like your fate lies outside your hands.

 Everything you desire in life can be yours through the power of the invisible Force that works within all of us. Once you capture the strength of this Force, you will begin to witness astounding positive changes in all areas of your life. Want to know how?

 Create Your Life by Force offers easy-to-follow steps on using your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to immediately transform your reality.

Genre: SELF-HELP / Motivational & Inspirational

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Success

Language: English

Keywords: Mind Power, Inspiration, Improvement, Spiritual Growth, Metaphysical , Life Philosphy, Law of Attraction, Universal Laws, Self Help , Spiritual Science , Energy , Vibration , New Thought, New Age Thought, Law of Vibration

Word Count: 29,800

Sales info:

Sold 20 books, paper back/ kindle  last  the last 3 months

Sold 83 audio books todate 

Five Star reviews received todate 

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,753,693 in Books  #5306 in New Thought

Book available in 50 online stores including Barnes & Noble

Ranking on google first 6 pages. (SEO) 

The book is well marketed on and offline 

I need to translate this book to reach a worldwide audience to share the knowlege to help everyone change their lives for the better.



Sample text:

I n t r o d u c t i o n
There are some things that happen to us in our lives that we never want
to accept, and we find ourselves asking many questions. Why did this
happen to me? What did I do to deserve this? Why don’t things work out
for me the way I want them to? And then we are constantly looking for answers.
We never want to accept that it’s our fault deep down. It’s always
someone else’s. It was going to happen anyway. It was fate or just bad
luck. Well, after extensive research, I have come to believe there has to be
some major Force beyond our comprehension running the show, a Force
that works with us, for us, and through us, and we can direct this Force
through our imagination to live life by design and not by chance.
As a person with an analytical mind, I have always been very curious
about how things happen to us in life, perhaps as much as the next person.
I wonder how my life has turned out the way it has for me thus far.
After endless studying and researching several books on self-help,
mind power, new thought, spiritual science, religion, quantum physics,
metaphysics, and much more over the past ten years, I have come to the
understanding and conclusion that we are responsible for everything that
happens in our lives—I mean everything.

For well over ten years, I’ve been obsessed with why certain things
have happened to me in my life, good and bad, and have conducted research
through books and the Internet. I have always believed that there
is some kind of Force—call it what you will—an unseen Force, an invisible
power that creates our lives as we go along, and some people know how to
deliberately work this Force to their advantage, while others do just by accident.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Brizeida Rosas
Author review:
Translator Brizeida Rosas very keen to work and to get the job done, meeting timelines ahead of time. Very honest with what can be done and what cant, with good lines of communication. Its pleasure working with her, very hard worker indeed and very polite.

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