Conspiracy -- Volume 3 of Man on the Run series by Baron Alexander Deschauer

Fast paced political thriller involving the CIA, China and an ultra-secret sect who influence the world's events through finance and politics.

Conspiracy -- volume 3 of man on the run series

THE GOLDEN RULE: he who has the gold rules


In a post-gold world, he who

controls the currency rules.

By accident, CIA detective Warren Clog

discovers a plot that makes no sense except

to the parents of Jack, a young man in

university. When the parents flee, Jack

is drawn into a global conspiracy to save

himself and his parents. At stake is nothing

less than the stability of the free world.

Genre: FICTION / Thrillers

Secondary Genre: FICTION / Alternative History

Language: English

Keywords: CIA, New World Order, Conspiracy, Money, China, Unite States, espionage

Word Count: 40789

Sales info:

Recently published. Part of a general marketing campaign for later this year/early next year. Part of seven books published this year.

Sample text:

While on the frosty road less travelled, I came across a lone figure. My choices made, I made another and stopped to offer him a lift.

            “Where you heading?” I asked. I was driving to forget and looking for company.

            “North,” he said.

            “Hop in.”

            He did. He put his bag in the back seat and joined me in the front.

            “Is that all you got?” I said, looking at his bag.


            He was late middle aged, bearded, and wearing a heavy coat. There wasn’t much more I could see from where I was seated. All I knew was he would be dead if someone didn’t pick him up soon.

            “Waiting long?” I asked.

            “Yeah. Not too many people pick up hitchhikers these days. Thanks.” He shrugged and tried to smile. The cold must have frozen most of his face but I understood the gesture.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Simone Bernardo Valiceli
Author review:
Professionally laid out and translated in record time. I would highly recommend Simone Bernardo Valiceli.
Already translated. Translated by Adolfo Del Rio

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