Chosen Child by Linda Huber

A disappearance. A death. A betrayal. All she'd wanted was a child to love...

Chosen child

Ella longs for a child of her own, but a gruesome find during an adoption process deepens the cracks in her marriage. Her husband Rick has a secret, but Ella doesn’t want to know…

Across town, Amanda is expecting her second child when her husband vanishes. The search begins, but nothing prepares Amanda for the shocking conclusion to the police investigation.

And in the middle of it all, a little girl is looking for a home of her own with a ‘forever’ mummy and daddy…

How well do you know your own family? And who can you trust?

Genre: FICTION / Suspense

Language: English

Keywords: crime thriller and mystery books, family life , kidnapping, English psychological thriller, adoption, women's crime fiction , parenting and families, suspense

Word Count: 80,000 words

Sales info:

The book was published in February 2016. In 2016, it had nearly 11,000 downloads, and over 5,800,000 page reads, plus 245 paperbacks. Its highest ranking in the UK was around 250 in the kindle store, in the US unknown.
Sales vary monthly, but from Feb 2017 to Feb 2018 it had 1439 downloads and 639,029 page reads.


Sample text:

Ella held her breath, squinting at Rick as he inched the Peugeot into the narrow space between a battered Clio and a shiny new BMW. He was nervous, and it didn’t make the manoeuvre any easier. The Peugeot crept forward until Rick yanked the handbrake up, and Ella’s shoulders sagged in relief. A scrape on anyone’s car would have been the worst possible start to their first adoption party.

‘I’ll need to get out your side,’ said Rick, glaring at the Clio. ‘What a cattle market. I can’t believe we’re doing this – we’d be much better waiting for Liz to find us a kid the traditional way.’

Ella opened the passenger seat door. Rick was a planner; he’d never been the kind of person to simply have a go and see how things turned out. She tried to sound encouraging. ‘Liz said these parties were a great place for people to find a child they were – attracted to.’

It was the wrong choice of words.

‘I don’t want to be attracted. You don’t get to pick out an attractive baby when you have one of your own, do you? I want is a nice little kid – a boy, preferably, one we can give a good home to and enjoy as he grows up.’ He struggled across the passenger seat and emerged beside Ella in the car park, crammed today with a motley selection of vehicles, including a tandem. People attending adoption parties seemed to be a varied lot.

Ella took Rick’s arm as they walked towards the entrance. She was conscious of the nervous churning in her stomach – this was the first time they would come face to face with children who were up for adoption. It was the dream of a lifetime for Ella – how very much she wanted to read bedtime stories and mop up tears and be frustrated because they couldn’t find a babysitter. And this afternoon could bring them a huge step closer to doing just that.

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