Cheat Sheets for Life by Ayesha S. Ratnayake

Over 750 hacks for health, happiness and success

Readers say “It’s like reading a thousand self-help books” and “Everyone should own a copy”.

Cheat sheets for life

Discover 750+ ways to improve your life – according to hundreds of bestselling books.

As a busy CEO, Ayesha hated her lengthy commutes – until she turned them into her own mobile library. Soon, she was completing over 70 audiobooks each year on happiness, health, productivity, and success – while stuck in traffic.

She began capturing and categorising the most valuable research from her readings for rapid reference. In doing so, she realised that it was possible to derive a handbook for life based on the expertise of hundreds of researchers. So, she set about doing just that.

The output is Cheat Sheets for Life – a concise handbook of science-backed advice on 17 dimensions of life, from health to money to leadership to relationships.

In Cheat Sheets for Life, you’ll learn:

How playing the classic game “Tetris” can protect your mood

Cheat Sheets for Life aims to be the last book you’ll ever need to pick up to improve your life. Using time-tested research, it strives to give even the busiest individual a foolproof guide to leading an optimised life.

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / Personal Growth / Happiness

Language: English

Keywords: self-help, non-fiction, happiness, success, health, self development, self improvement, habits, goals, productivity, best life, life hacks, awesome life, decision making, self-care, longevity, reduce stress, gift book, personal development, stress-free living, wellbeing, advice, how-to, psychology, motivation, science, joy, mental health, guide to life, secrets of success, life

Word Count: 27,464

Sales info:

Bestselling Kindle book, with over 5,000 copies sold and counting!

During its launch month, 'Cheat Sheets for Life: Over 750 hacks for health, happiness and success' became the #1 Amazon Kindle Bestseller in the categories Psychology Research and Science Education Research.

Sample text:

1 Everyday happiness

“Of this be sure: You do not find the happy life... You make it.”
Thomas S. Monson

We all want to be happier. Luckily, while 50% of our happiness does derive from our genetic setpoint, and 10% from our life circumstances, a whopping 40% is determined by our own actions, thoughts, and intentions – it’s in our control. Try these practices to build more joy into your life.

Cooking up instant happiness

  1. Smile – Smiling tricks your brain into thinking you must be happy, as much as 2,000 bars of chocolate or receiving 20,000 dollars in cash! Even a fake smile counts. For an even bigger boost, try laughing.
  2. Walk happy – The way you walk affects your mood. Avoid slouching and walking slowly. Instead, take longer strides, hold your head high, and swing your arms.
  3. Make music work – Songs with 60-80 beats per minute (but no lyrics) can reduce stress. Find a playlist on YouTube. Actively try to feel happier when listening to upbeat music – it works.
  4. Get out in nature – Reap the benefits of going green. Just 20 minutes in nature lowers stress hormones. Even a house plant or looking at photos of natural scenes helps you recover from stress.
  5. Savour this moment – Appreciation is a more powerful predictor of life satisfaction than personality, gratitude, gender, age, or ethnicity. For best results, use all your senses when you savour the moment.
  6. Consider the worst – Right now, consider all the minor choices and occurrences that had to happen to make the most fulfilling parts of your life possible. Then, imagine your life if they had never happened.
  7. Take photos – Did you know that taking photos can actually help you enjoy an experience more? Go on – get clicking!

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The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Amina Grancher
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Amina is accomodating and enthusiastic. She translates quickly, is happy to answer any questions and make any edits, and is pleasant to work with.
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Already translated. Translated by Laura Lucardini
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I enthusiastically and sincerely recommend Laura for your Italian translations. She brought a great deal of care, attention to detail and a helpful attitude to the translation process. I am delighted with her work!
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