Chakras: Step-By-Step Guide to Awaken and Balance Healing and Meditation by Suzanne Solomon

(44) Step-By-Step Guide to Awaken and Balance Healing and Meditation

Chakras: step-by-step guide to awaken and balance healing and meditation


Take a journey of self-discovery and begin to unfold the secrets of the human body and mind. Chakras will help you become more aware of the world around and inside of you. It serves as a sufficient source for those with purely academic purpose as well! The peace of mind and stillness of Spirit one can achieve in mastering the activation and manipulation of one's chakras is a definite and enjoyable path to overall Self-Mastery and One-ness with the World.

The chakras are the sophisticated and magnificent energy system that helps us transmit this information from one cell to another and from one organ to the other.

The chapters in this book were designed to give you a thorough understanding of chakras, what they really are, how to open your chakras, and how to use them. You will learn the history of chakras, their importance, and the delicate chakra balance that is affected by your thoughts, actions, and even the food you eat or the clothes you wear. You will learn how each chakra is interdependent on the others, and how this interdependence must resonate in your life if you are to ever grasp the beauty of our world, the key to happiness and peace. 

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 6647

Sales info:

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Sample text:

The crown chakra is located at the very top of the head. It is considered to be the highest chakra of all. The crown chakra is the energy used for devotion, inspiration, trust, happiness and positivity. It is the very center of everything related to receiving collective, physic knowing and divine knowledge. This can be done through different types of meditation and of course, keeping your chakra clean and clear. It is also the gateway to Universal energy and laws. Universal energy is the energy or life force, that works to sustain the life of all a human’s cells, organs, and blood. There are twelve universal laws. They are the law of action, the law of divine oneness, the law of correspondence, the law of attraction, the law of cause and effect and the law of compensation. The emotional issues that this chakra deals with are the feeling of bliss, a person’s overall connection to spirituality and the person’s inner and outer beauty. This chakra is a representation of a person’s ability to be entirely spiritually connected.

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