Chakras: Learn to Balance Your Chakra and Positive Energy by Kylie Angel

(46) Learn to Balance Your Chakra and Positive Energy

Chakras: learn to balance your chakra and positive energy


This book will give you the tools to recognize the differences in your physical body, mental abilities and emotions to help you develop the ability to open and cleanse your body’s natural energy centers. This allows you to begin to heal yourself from within, without the need to fill your body with medication.

The seven chakras are responsible for the energy flow and life force in your body. When a blockage occurs in one of your chakras, you'll notice obstacles in the parts of your health and life that are governed by the chakra. A chakra blockage can be caused by anything from a childhood trauma that you haven't dealt with to a poor diet to imbalanced emotional responses to life events.

Chakras have been used and studied for thousands of years in India, but have only risen to Western popularity in the last few centuries.The human body is believed to have main chakras, each providing energy to certain parts of the body, and empowering certain emotions and feelings. 

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 6748

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Sample text:

There are many different ways chakras can be balanced. You can use yoga, meditation, visualizing (although many who practice this method actually visualize colors), and music. Not all forms of healing will work well for every chakra. Each chakra responds best to certain forms of healing methods. Every chakra relates to a specific sense and element and, relates to a certain color. The first chakra (the base) relates to earth and responds best to smell or aromatherapy. The base chakra’s color is red. The second chakra (sacral) relates to water and responds best to taste. The sacral chakra’s color is orange. The third chakra (solar plexus) relates to fire and responds best to sound. The solar plexus chakra’s color is yellow. The fourth chakra (heart) relates to air and responds best to touch. The heart chakra’s color is green. The fifth chakra (throat) responds best to sound. The throat chakra’s color is turquoise. The sixth chakra (third eye) responds to light. The third eye chakra’s color is indigo. The seventh chakra, the crown chakra, does have a color, which is violent, however, it usually does not respond as well to different forms of therapy other than meditation, because is it completely unrelated to the sensory world.

This chapter is dedicated to the different things that individuals can do to bring balance back to their chakras. Since we have already talked about the different forms of meditation, we will now take the time to explore each of these other methods a little more closely.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Tânia Rodrigues

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