They really cannot find anything wrong with you. This makes you stress out even more because you must pay them for zero results when you know something is not right. The doctor tells you to take vitamins and other supplements that will work as energy boosters. You leave and go home stressed and depressed. But days and weeks pass, and you still feel the same. The problem might be one of your chakras. When these wheels of energy do not work as they should, you feel out-of-sorts like that.
There is so more to the human body than its physical structure. Channels transferring energy run through our bodies carrying the vital life force or prana responsible for our mental and emotional well-being. The focal points through which these energy channels flow are called chakras, and chakras can be manipulated to bring about certain conditions. No doubt you have heard of countless ways to cleanse and bolster your chakras by simply using certain lotions, oils, stones, or crystals in different sizes, scents, and colors, and other useless bits and pieces.
Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.
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To de-clutter your mind, you need to limit the amount of information that is coming in. This is due to the fact that excess information causes brain clogging. It could be the information from the TV, newspapers, magazines, blogs or social media. Limit the information that is coming into your life using these steps.
-*Have a limit of the time that you spend on social media, reading the newspaper etc.
-*Unsubscribe to blogs or cancel magazine subscriptions that do not add value to your life or well-being
-*Decide the information that is useful to you and ignore everything else.
It also pays to be decisive. Imagine you have an in-box that is full of documents but aren’t sure how to handle them; you will end having an in-box that is filled with bills, requests and letters from your clients. You can only clear your in-box by deciding on what you need to do with each document that is inside there. This same thing happens to the brain. If you do not make your decision in time, you will have your brain overflowing with many decisions that need to be made. The way to beat this is by being decisive. If it is a simple decision, you can follow the approach that was recommended by Benjamin Franklin on a pros-&-cons list.
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Translated by Patricia Arsenio