Chakras: A Beginners Guide and Balence Chakra, Radiate Energy by Ren Redfield

(56) A Beginners Guide and Balence Chakra, Radiate Energy

Chakras:  a beginners guide and balence chakra, radiate energy


Many of the limitations people experience, in spite of trying to change their lives, is due to their spirit and inner wisdom being out of alignment. When they are aligned you feel guided and supported in life. Life becomes more synchronistic and magical. In this book, you will learn the seven key elements to discover your Miraculous Self and put it into action in making your life more successful and happy,

With the Caveman's guide to Chakra you will get a detailed guide for, both the major and minor chakras - energy centers along the nervous system that are said to revitalize both the body and the spirit - explains their qualities, the signs of balance and imbalance, and the healing techniques for each, teaching readers how to enjoy healthier and more positive lives. Caveman Quick Reads provides a non-intimidating guide for readers to quickly understand Chakra quick and easy

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 5213

Sales info:

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Sample text:

Do you feel that you are having trouble communicating with others? Do you feel that your thoughts are always in a jumble? Do you have issues with feeling bouts of anger and humiliation on a daily basis? If you are feeling any of these issues in your life, you may be dealing with an issue of a chakra or more out of line. 


The chakras are our centers of energy, located right along the midline of the body. There are seven major ones, although some schools of thoughts about the chakras will include a few more of them as well. These chakras are going to all work together and when they are in great working order and receiving the energy that they need, you will find that your body feels great, you can be true to yourself and to others, and you will show the right amount of love that you need. Your life is basically going to be balanced as well without any of the common ailments that most people complain about. 


On the other hand, you need to spend some time working on your chakras if something isn’t working out the way that you want. If you feel that you are dealing with bouts of anger and jealousy all the time, if you have pain around the body, or your focus is all out of order, it means that one or more of your chakras are not working the way that they should. 


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