From Amazon’s Top 100 Books in Spanish sold in the USA, France, Germany, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and Spain
“After the success of The Circle, with tens of thousands of copies sold, Mario Escobar hits another home run with this adventure thriller set against the backdrop of tax havens, dirty money, and the millions of people fighting to survive.”
Comments about Caribbean Island from Amazon readers:
“I read this practically in one big gulp, and that’s not my MO. The frenetic pace of the story grabs you. It’s more than just a mystery—it oozes a disconcerting aura of suspense from start to finish. Like The Circle, there’s this feeling of being on pins and needles till the very end, and then comes the bang-up surprise ending. The high-octane action demands a sense of “long-suffering reading,” in that you can’t figure out the truth, which, of course, shatters the ego of a well-seasoned reader. The primary story line (in my opinion) about the durability of feelings between a couple is incredibly interesting (it reminds me of “it is not the durability of love but rather the durability of affection that holds a couple together” by K. Axelos I saw on EPS this weekend, for the way an extreme situation can draw us together when we thought we had drifted apart... I’m quoting from memory: “Despite a lifetime together they did not know each other”); and so is the storyline of a daughter dependent on the reference point of her parents. There are also lots of demons, a heavy presence of Evil in this book. The hurricane in the plot line to me is like the perfect storm in the interior life of the main characters. Life is complicated and almost always contradictory. We all face fears and longings, and here we read about how these unfold for one particular group in a gut-wrenching situation, when they’re pushed to the limit. For sure, just like with The Circle, when I finished reading it I left it open to go back and reread, not to understand it better but just to discover more shades and hues of a very engrossing story. Hats off to the author.”
“I bought this book to have something to read on an upcoming flight to Hawaii, but when it finished downloading I thought I’d give it a quick look...big mistake. I couldn’t stop reading and finished it way before my trip even started!”
Elisabeth Argueta
“I really loved this book! Once you start, you can’t stop. And I did not see that ending coming. It leaves you with really mixed feelings.”
Christian M.
“Killer plot. Mario Escobar truly has us trapped in this novel, to the very end when we crash hard against everything we thought would be the finale.”
“With a hurricane bearing down on an island in the Caribbean, one man and his wife must catch a killer and save their daughter from the murderer’s clutches.”
The plot of the novel Caribbean Island
London policeman Edward Rod, after a bout of depression, accepts a post as chief inspector on a Caribbean island. His wife Margaret is about to walk out on him and take their daughter back to England, but a series of unexpected crimes requires them to stay on the island as the most virulent hurricane in two decades is brewing off the coast.
Out of the blue, Edward’s daughter is kidnapped by the dangerous serial killer supposedly behind all the recent crimes. Edward and Margaret race against the clock to save their daughter, but time runs out, and the crimes keep piling up.
Muna is an Iraqi Christian refugee working as the island’s scuba instructor, but she’s hiding a terrible secret. Samia, a luxury prostitute, seems to be the only witness who can identify the murderer.
Who is really behind the deaths of several millionaires on one of the world’s most loaded tax havens?
Why is money leaking out of their accounts? Can Edward save his daughter in the middle of a category 5 hurricane?
Mario Escobar is a historian and writer with more than 40 published titles, and his work has been translated into over twenty l
Biografía del autor
Mario Escobar has a master s degree in modern history and has written numerous books and articles that delve into the depths of church history, the struggle of sectarian groups, and the discovery and colonization of the Americas. Escobar, who makes his home in Madrid, Spain, is passionate about history and its mysteries.
Genre: FICTION / SuspenseMuy vendido
En una isla del Caribe, en la actualidad.
Ana Sherman disfrutaba de las maravillosas vistas desde su villa. Llevaba apenas cinco días en la isla, pero el ruido de Fráncfort y su estresante trabajo en la Wertpapierbörse casi habían terminado con sus nervios. Afortunadamente vivía sola y no tenía que contar con nadie para tomarse unos días de vacaciones y volar hacia aquel lugar increíble. Aunque una experta en fondos bancarios nunca estaba totalmente de vacaciones. En aquellas fechas del año el ritmo de trabajo normalmente se desaceleraba, pero los últimos conflictos bélicos parecían haber vuelto locas todas las bolsas europeas.
Los padres de Ana disfrutaban de una estupenda jubilación en Mallorca y muchas veces ella acudía a su casa para descansar, pero en esta ocasión trabajo y placer le habían llevado a aquel lugar recóndito del Caribe. Era la primera vez que visitaba aquella isla, aunque su aspecto era muy similar a otras en las que había estado. Sus colegas siempre decían que a Alemania le faltaban aquellos cómodos establecimientos en mitad de la nada para poder blanquear mejor sus inmensos capitales, pero el imperio colonial alemán no terminó de cuajar nunca y, cuando parecía que estaba a punto de hacerlo, la Gran Guerra echó al traste los sueños del Káiser.
Language | Status |
Already translated.
Translated by Isabelle de ROSE
Author review: Muy buena |