Buddhism: Buddhist Thought and Meditation to Beliefs, Teachings by Tulku Rinpoche

(10) Buddhist Thought and Meditation to Beliefs, Teachings

Buddhism: buddhist thought and meditation to beliefs, teachings


In this book, the Buddhist system and the ideas behind it are presented, not as a religion that's asking for your allegiance, but as a body of theory and practice geared towards fostering an an inner revolution.

There are several reasons why you should start decluttering now. First of all, decluttering forces you to decide what’s actually important to you. After throwing away anything that is unnecessary in our lives, we can then start focusing on what is really important in our lives. 

Buddhism asserts that we each have the potential to free ourselves from the prison of our problems. As practiced for more than twenty-six hundred years, the process involves working with, rather than against, our depression, anxiety, and compulsions. We do this by recognizing the habitual ways our minds perceive and react — the way they mislead.

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 4886

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Sample text:

It is important to know the key points in the life of the Buddha, not because we are supposed to worship him – not at all in fact – or because he is regarded as a deity by Buddhists, because his life is an example of how people can reach enlightenment and awakening, and because it is on his teachings that the whole of Buddhism is founded. Your own personal path to enlightenment may be different from that of the Buddha’s, indeed, no two paths are the same; however, by knowing the steps that brought the Buddha to enlightenment, you will be able to recognize your own. 


The Buddha was born Siddhartha Guatama (this was his name) into the family known as Lumbini, a royal family in Nepal. At the time, the whole Indian subcontinent was divided into many kingdoms and when his mother, the Queen, became pregnant, wise men were interviewed and they predicted that the King’s son would either become the ruler of the world, if he remained a prince and then became king, or an enlightened being. We are not sure about the exact date of his birth, the Theravada school of Buddhism places it between 624 and 623 BCE (before Christ), but modern historians tend to believe he was born between 502 and 420 BCE. But the date is not what really matters, what matters is his journey to enlightenment, not as an end, but as a mean for us to reach enlightenment too. 

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