Buddhism: A Complete Meditation Guide Buddhist & happiness by Stephen Chodron

(18) A Complete Meditation Guide Buddhist & happiness

Buddhism: a complete meditation guide buddhist & happiness


The central theme of the Seven-Point Mind Training is to make the liberating passage from the constricting solitude of self-centeredness to the warm kinship with others which occurs with the cultivation of cherishing others. This Mind Training is especially well-suited for an active life. It helps us to reexamine our relationships to family, friends, enemies, and strangers—and gradually transform our responses to whatever life throws our way.

There have been a lot of books that have made the case for Buddhism. What makes this book fresh and exciting is Asma's iconoclasm, irreverence, and hardheaded approach to the subject. He is distressed that much of what passes for Buddhism is really.

We first meditate on the Buddha of Loving-Kindness as a body of unconditional love and receive his blessings. This spontaneously awakens his unconditional love in our heart. We then find the whole world reflecting back to us as a world of love and peace. Finally, we remain in oneness in the realization of ultimate love.

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Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: meditation, meditation for beginners, meditation and mindfullness, buddhism, zen, meditation exercises

Word Count: 11964

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Sample text:

The tradition says that he lived as a prince until the age of 29. He did not saw any sort of agony or suffering throughout his life inside the palace as his father protected him. But, at one point, he saw the despair of the human situation for the first time. He saw a person with illness, a very old man, and a lifeless body. He was confused and asked his servant about it, and the servant said that everyone is destined to go through this natural sufferings in life.

The Buddha has found the cause and the solution to human suffering. He said that everything in life leads to suffering in some way. He also said that this suffering happens because we are attaching ourselves to things and this attachment happens because of delusion and ignorance.

He also talked about the solution to the human suffering. According to him, Nirvana is the solution. Nirvana is simply the elimination of all our desires, which makes our life go through a painful process. It’s not easy to look at Nirvana as a constructive goal from the viewpoint of the Western World, but Buddhists on the other hand sees it as something that is really necessary.

The Buddha wanted to end the suffering the humans are experiencing. He did not give answers to questions regarding the ultimate source of reality or human connection with gods; he just attempted to solve the problem he has found in our lives. Looking at Buddhism from that viewpoint, it’s not easy to consider it as a religion. Buddhism is more like a philosophy.

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