Breaking Bad Habits: Transforming Professional and Personal Life(Habits of Successful) by Nicolas Powell

Transforming Professional and Personal Life(Habits of Successful)

Breaking bad habits: transforming professional and personal life(habits of successful)


Read this book to gain an understanding of some of the reasons why the Danes are so happy and how you can follow Danish principles easily and painlessly. This book reveals how to add hygge to your home, how to create hygge with your family and community, in the workplace and most importantly within yourself.

What prevents people from doing what they sincerely want to do? You can come up with all sorts of explanations ranging from childhood trauma to genetics, to personality types, but what it really boils down to is the fact that most people simply aren't skilled in managing their minds.When we try to break a habit our brain sends out signals of alarm and discomfort.

Habit stacking works because you eliminate the stress of trying to change too many things at once. Your goal is to simply focus on a single routine that only takes about to  minutes to complete. Within this routine is a series of actions (or small changes). All you have to do is to create a checklist and follow it every single day. That's the essence of habit stacking.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.


Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: PSYCHOLOGY / Personality

Language: English

Keywords: overcome shyness, fear, stress, Spiritual habits, bad habits, success, power, happiness, procrastinatio, self discipline, Successful, Mindset, habit stacking, potential, Focus, Pareto Principle, grit

Word Count: 6500

Sales info:

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Sample text:

Everything in our lives is represented by our propensities. Beginning with how you get up in the morning, to how you dress, to how you talk, think and in particular how you act or neglect to perform, are all administered by your propensities. Your schedules or inclinations decide how you react to for all intents and purposes each arrangement of circumstances which crosses our way. They decide, whether you will make the day by day move you have to take with a specific end goal to accomplish the things you set out to do, what you will consider throughout the day, how you will react to any difficulties, which will cross your way and they drive you consistently, to be taught or sluggish.

Fabricate Propensities, Which Serve you

We as a whole have propensities, both great and terrible, which you can leave, the way they are. Totally past your conscious control or you can finally choose to begin to form another propensity achievement set, which will serve you later on. When you outline a propensity win set, which is adjusted to what you have to help you accomplish your objectives and dreams, you get the opportunity to complete all the critical objective particular exercises each day, in an accessible manner. Doing all the actual individual tasks will feel as easy as strolling or driving your auto. Neither of which requires any conscious thought by any stretch of the imagination.

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