Body Language: The Definitive Guide to Develop Your Self Confidence by Melvin Searle

The Definitive Guide to Develop Your Self Confidence

Body language: the definitive guide to develop your self confidence

In this book you will become the master of two essential skills to understanding people inside and out: Observation, or mastering the non-verbal cues that constitute the majority of our communications; and Interpretation, or developing a framework to understand anyone from a psychological perspective through their personality type.

This book talks about how you handle and exchange money and what to observe while you are in a different country whether it be for work or pleasure. You do not want to offend them because you are not cognizant of how their country views and handles money.

Are you not being heard by the people in your life? Does your boss ignore you and your spouse disregard what you think? Then this practical Leadership book is THE guide for you. It will enable you to change how you interact with others and teach you to positively influence and lead everyone around you in a non-manipulative way.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.


Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: Psychology, personality, relationship, body language, body language secrets, body languagetraining, how to analyze people, Communication.communication skills

Word Count: 11186

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Sample text:

Quite frequently the first interaction we will have with someone new is when we shake hands.  This is especially true in business.  As humans we have a tendency to visually assess new people within the first one or two seconds of meeting them.  The first verbal and physical contact follows when we shake hands.

The act of shaking hands harks back to the beginning of time when we would gain one another’s trust by showing our hands empty, free of weapons.  This is why an open hand gesture is an indication of honesty but we’ll discuss that more in the next chapter.  So before you shake someone’s hand make sure the mace and broadsword are safely tucked away.

We can gather some information about the type of person we are dealing with by the way they shake hands with us.

Three potential indications to consider;

Is this person trying to dominate me or do they think they are superior?

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