Body Language: Secrets of the verbal and nonverbal communication skills to read people by James Raah

Have you ever been talking to someone and wanted to know what they were thinking?

Body language: secrets of the verbal and nonverbal communication skills to read people


This book was written with these ideas in mind and I am fully confident that after reading it you will understand body language, and what it means, much better. Read along to learn how tweaking your posture, facial expressions, gestures, and even tone of voice can influence your mood, emotions, and confidence. You will also know how proper use of body language can give you an edge in handling negotiations, presentations, or even simple daily interactions. In a grander scale, proper body language can even leverage your life success—it can forge positive interpersonal or business relationships and it can boost your influence among peers or team members. You will be seen as a highly charismatic person with great authority and leadership skills.

Take the first step towards mastering body language in order to fully understand others and exert powerful influence in all areas of your life!

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.

Genre: BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Management

Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: Psychology, personality, relationship, body language, body language secrets, body language training, how to analyze people, NLP and Persuasion for Manipulation, Influence, Communication, communication skills, effective communication

Word Count: 9859

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Sample text:

I’ll examine each continuum in turn. The idea is to spend some time thinking about the nonverbal conversation in an upcoming interaction — an important one — and choose the continuum that most closely fits what you’re worried about or interested in, or represents the crux of the issue between you and the others involved.

Then, as I’ll discuss, you let the power of your unconscious mind go to work and — as if by magic — you’ll get a quick, accurate reading of what others are intending. It takes a little practice, but it will change the way you ‘read’ others and it will improve your communications ability.

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