Body Language: Boost Your Confidence and Influence People in Life by David Farquhar

Boost Your Confidence and Influence People in Life

Body language: boost your confidence and influence people in life


This book is a step by step guide to help you analyze people instantly and be an amazing person to them. To quench our thirst to be loved, we must position ourselves in a position that will make us loveable and attractive. Standard confidence, a warm smile and a firm handshake is enough to start you off but keeping the ball rolling might be a whole new journey up hill.

 You know you have been bullied when you feel pressured, demeaned, and angered. You walked away from a negotiation feeling like you lost ground. You gave into demands and agreed to something that was not in your best interests. And you resented the way you felt.

There are so many people these days who would repeatedly lie (often right in your face) just so they can get what they want from you. The only way you can protect yourself from these kinds of people is to beat them at their own game; you need to learn how to analyze people so you can strip away their symbolic masks and uncover the truth underneath.

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Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: Psychology, personality, relationship, body language, body languagetraining, how to analyze people, Influence, Communication.communication skills

Word Count: 6451

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Sample text:

There’s a plethora of personality types that are seasoned through the human race, with these not even being all of them! While life experiences and lessons help create us into whom we are, for we are born hardwired with personality types that fuel the things we do and provide insight to our actions, speech, futures, etc. As an analyzer, I assure you that you will find this chapter not only intriguing but quite useful when it comes to acquiring the knowledge packed within the remaining chapters of this book. So let’s dive in, shall we?


Tranquil and held in nature, these individuals are fascinated by how and why things work. They tend to have amazing capacities with mechanical things. They are brave people who live for the event and are by and large propelled by and fit for extraordinary games. These people are much uncomplicated in their desires and are reliable to their partners and their inside regard structures.

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