Bodies in the Tiber by Vincent B. Davis II

An Ancient Rome Political Thriller

After years of fighting on the battlefield, Sertorius returns to the city and family he fought for, to find them far different than he remembered.

Bodies in the tiber

Rome, 100 B.C.

The northern menace has been annihilated. Rome has no more foes to conquer, her borders are secure. But the Republic has never been closer to collapsing.

Sertorius has returned to Rome after more than five years of fighting in the north, and Marius has plans for him. Marius has plans for all of Rome, actually. At the height of his power and with the love of the people, Marius is a few political connections away from ruling the Republic. Will the august body of the Senate be enough to stop him?

Corruption, betrayal, and violence spread throughout Rome like a fire in the Subura as Sertorius does everything in his power to maintain the peace within the Republic and within his home.

Bodies in the Tiber is the third book in the best-selling Sertorius Scrolls historical fiction series. If you like well-researched, historically accurate, page-turning books than you’ll love Vincent B. Davis II’s compelling saga.

Buy Bodies in the Tiber today to delve into the depths of the cutthroat Republic of Rome.

Genre: FICTION / Historical / Ancient

Language: English

Keywords: ancient rome, ancient historical fiction, historical fiction, ancient roman fiction

Word Count: 90000

Sales info:

The book has consistently hit best-seller status over the few years it's been published, in multiple countries.

Sample text:

This story is based on a

real man and real events


I’m sitting beside a bubbling spring. The sun is just beginning to set, casting a marigold hue over the ripples in the water, but the frogs are already croaking from their lily pads. Children are giggling in the village behind me, playing with a dog.

My wife prepared a cup of warm honey water before I left our thatched-roof Iberian hut. She would have come with me if I asked, but she knows how much I enjoy stealing a few moments to myself to write these scrolls.

We’ve lived in this village for three weeks now. We’ll be moving on soon, along with my men, but I’ve tried to savor my time here as much as the stress of commanding a revolution allows me. The villagers, after some resistance, have finally begun calling me by my first name. The men here bring their families to me, pride shining in their eyes as they introduce their firstborn, their brides, or their baby girls. I tell them they should be proud. They’ve accomplished the only thing in this life that really matters, and I encourage them to take that responsibility seriously.

As much as they admire me, I believe they visit most often to play with my pet fawn, Diana. Currently, she is nestled up beside me, her head in my lap, undisturbed by my writing on this parchment. Her legs just gave a gentle kick. It must be a dream of running alongside my legionaries in the meadow. She’s become our most loyal camp follower, and occasionally, I jest that I plan on promoting her to legate.

Her pure-white coat is covered in dirt. We’ve spent the afternoon training with the men. It’s her favorite thing to do. But we won’t be doing that tomorrow.

For tomorrow, the men and I will be going to war.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Sandra Rizzardi
Already translated. Translated by Tomas Ibarra

Would you like to translate this book? Make an offer to the Rights Holder!
