A collection of short stories, poetry and social satire from Martin Other (singer and guitarist of the rock band "The Otherness").
Genre: POLITICAL SCIENCE / EssaysAbout to start x M
CALL 999
“You keep the fire alive”… The bakery of Thomas Furynerd on Pudding Lame
is on fire and sick deaths were recorded except for the poor and middle class.
The wind blows and fans the bakery fire into a firestorm.
“My all beans, what’s that indecisiveness?” Remington asked Sir Tommy
Worthblood (who does not know for sure any major firefighting technique
and has trouble with proparoxytones, don’t you Fitzwilliam from
Llanfairpwllgwyngill?). “Well, as the Lord Mayor of Londoom I shall say the
heat will cremate the buddies and no recognisable remains will be left to
count. Death toll: 6 to 9 and that’s less than a frozen... ha ha ha!”
Bring order to the city. The hamless people are suspected to have started the
fire. The French and the Dutch are suspicious too and davidlynchings and
street videolence are on the news. Social and economic problems are
overwhelming. The fire spreads all over town.
#Evacuation #DispossesedRefugees #Resettlement. What are you thinking of?
The wind and the battle to bench the flames. We should call Nigel. We’ve got
to create effective firebreaks to halt führer spread northward and beastguard.
3 days later…