Best Online Time Tracker App by Livetecs LLC

Online time tracker is a software application that records, logs and saves the working time of individuals against their ID's.

Best online time tracker app
Online time tracker is a software application that records, logs and saves the working time of individuals against their ID's. Online Time tracker app can be used to manage contractor hours in real-time. The online time tracker calculates how much work has been done by individuals in real-time using its keystroke logger functionality. Online time tracker allows users to send information about the amount of time worked straight into databases for further analysis.

One common use case for online time trackers is where it aids employers track employees' working hours during shift work rotations periodically (e.g., every hour). The logger will start recording the person's activity on the computer when/she logs in and stop when/she logs out after finishing the work. Online time tracker also provides advanced reporting functionality for users to analyse working hours by staff members, departments or any other criteria they are interested in.

For more info about time tracking app, Visit our website today.

Genre: COMPUTERS / Desktop Applications / Project Management Software

Language: English

Keywords: Online Timesheets, Online Time Sheet, Online time tracker, time tracking app

Word Count: 166

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