Anxiety: Shut Nervousness, Panic Attacks, Fear And Phobias And Destroy Depression by Patrik Donovan

Shut Nervousness, Panic Attacks, Fear And Phobias And Destroy Depression

Anxiety: shut nervousness, panic attacks, fear and phobias and destroy depression


As I write this book, I do so with the goal of creating a self-help guide to anxiety, so that every person who reads this has that chance of living in freedom. When you have anxiety, freedom is what you lose. You cannot do the things that you want to do or go places that rattle your anxiety. Many of us with anxiety are so anxious that we are afraid to speak to people. It even takes away your opportunity to live life to the fullest, by pulling you away from the opportunities to find what will help you lead a happy and satisfying life. As you read, keep your mind open to the chance of ridding your mind of anxiety. Once you have finished this book, you will possess the techniques and strategies that will help you find happiness and make you feel more fulfilled

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 19 percent of people in the United States suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. That's around 50 million people and the figure keeps on growing! Now add in the similar rates worldwide and you'll get an astonishing figure. Anxiety isn't just another popular word in the modern world; it's a disorder that requires mental and sometimes physical treatment.

If you are ready to take action and change your life for the better,this book will definitely guide you in the right direction!

Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Secondary Genre: BODY, MIND & SPIRIT / General

Language: English

Keywords: Reduce Stress, Stress Relief, Relieve Stress, Stop Stress, Stress Management Techniques, Stress Management, Stress and Anxiety, stress management, stress management guide, how to reduce stress, cope with stress, stress free, stress management for life, stress management tips, stress management at work, stress relief, stress, stress kindle, stress of life, stress book, stress and anxiety, stress management book, stress care, stress analysis, reduce stress, anxiety self help, NLP Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP Techniques, Confidence, Success, NLP for Beginners, Depression Cure, NLP, Brain, Attract Money, Attract Money now, more money, law of attraction lottery, NLP books, the secret, NLP techniques, nlp for beginners, nlp neuro linguistic programming, nlp for dummies, nlp sales, nlp the new technology of achievement, nlp master's handbook, nlp training, Self hypnosis for beginners, self hypnosis audio, self hypnosis free, self hypnosis as you read, self hypnosis for dummies, self hypnosis books, law of attraction, the law of attraction, law of attraction love, law of attraction money, law of attraction secrets, law of attraction bible, hypnotherapy

Word Count: 8650

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Sample text:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has been developed over many years by many different therapists and researchers, so it has a number of slightly different forms and no two therapists will present CBT in exactly the same way. The description of CBT in this chapter is generally accurate, but your therapist may explain it somewhat differently or go about it in a different way.

The first thing you need to know about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is that it really works. If you’re skeptical about the idea of getting help for your anxiety and you’re not sure therapy can help you, rest assured that the benefits of CBT have been extensively researched for many years and there is no doubt that this therapy is effective for preventing and treating anxiety disorders. CBT is the treatment your counselor is most likely to use for your anxiety, and even if a different therapy is selected it may well be a variant form of CBT.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a form of “talk therapy,” but it’s completely different from traditional psychoanalysis. In psychoanalysis, the therapist analyzes the patient to discover the buried unconscious neuroses and complexes behind the patient’s behaviors. This process is open-ended and can take a very long time, and is largely guided by the therapist.

In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, the therapist is not treated as a distant all-knowing authority figure. CBT is evidence-based, and the therapist always works with the patient to achieve the patient’s goals. Instead of focusing on the unconscious and its effects on your behavior, CBT teaches you how to deal with your conscious thought processes in the here-and-now. It doesn’t require years and years of therapy. A CBT course of treatment usually lasts for just 6 to 18 sessions of about one hour each, and always has a clearly-defined objective.

Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Already translated. Translated by Barbara Ferreira
Already translated. Translated by Miguel Lara

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