You will discover how individuals become diagnosed with anxiety and what it is that triggers panic attacks. There have been numerous studies on the subject and you will learn how anxiety affects society as a whole. You will be surprised to know how many Americans suffer from anxiety and anxiety attacks.
It isn't something that everyone talks about and I bet that most would want to keep it to themselves. However, anxiety and panic attacks are a serious matter. I have put this book together because I myself have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks and I wanted to help educate people who might be going through something similar.
Pick up your copy today by clicking the button at the top of this page!
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Deuteronomy 31:6
Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.
The Holy Spirit inspired the words of this Scripture were spoken by Moses when he was preparing the people of Israel for a transition from his leadership to the leadership of Joshua. The people of Israel had been wandering in the wilderness for 40 years at this point. They were just about to cross the Jordan River and take possession of the Promised Land. But that land was currently occupied by wicked and ruthless people that would certainly be expected to put up a fight.
When we look at what took place when the people of Israel entered and occupied the land, we can see that the Lord kept His promise. He promised that He would be with them. In the midst of all that they went through, He would be present. He would not leave them. He would not forsake them. In Him, they could be strong and courageous. They didn't need to fear or dread.
What did the people of Israel do to earn the love of God? What did they do to merit this kind of favor from their Creator? Nothing. Not a single thing. They didn't deserve His love or His protection, yet He still granted it graciously and lavishly.
I think that at times, we struggle to enjoy and experience the strength and courage that the Lord amply supplies all who trust in Him because we're at least partially convinced that we have to do something to earn His love. We tend to think of His love in conditional terms. We expect Him to abandon us because we know that we struggle to follow Him as faithfully as we would like to. There's a part of us that actually expects Him to leave and forsake us.
Language | Status |
Translation in progress.
Translated by Alessandra Gregori
Already translated.
Translated by Nicoleta Papp