Alkaline Diet: Lose Weight Naturally, Rebalance pH Levels and Improve Health(45 Dilicous Recipes) by Kimberly Cameron

Lose Weight Naturally, Rebalance pH Levels and Improve Health(45 Dilicous Recipes)

Alkaline diet: lose weight naturally, rebalance ph levels and improve health(45 dilicous recipes)


If you have taken basic biology lesson, you will know that cells require certain conditions to function normally. Temperature and pH must be precisely engineered in order to support simple life. Our body, though it seems sturdy and above this law, it is of no different. It requires basic conditions in order to have optimal performance. This book will not only help you to understand your PH level, but what to eat to control it. And keep an optimal health performance. That will help you to live longer.

Inside you will learn how to finally re-program your mind for weight loss success and create the new, stronger version of yourself. You will even find healthy recipes to detoxify your body and burn stubborn fat! Everything is designed for busy people like you and put together in this special edition bundle ready for you to enjoy.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets

Language: English

Keywords: alkaline diet, detox, weight loss, inflammation, health, clean eating

Word Count: 12815

Sales info:

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Sample text:

Many people question whether this diet really works. Doctor Melinda Ratini, a diet and nutrition expert, says that maybe it works “but not for the reasons it claims”. The alkaline diet claims to help your body maintain the blood’s pH level. In fact, nothing you eat substantially changes your blood’s pH level. The body has a mechanism that keeps it constant. 

As for the other health claims, initial results of some researches show that a diet low in acid producing foods like bread and animal protein and high in alkaline foods like fruits and vegetables could help prevent kidney stones, lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, improves brain function and heart health, keeps muscles and bones strong, and reduce back pain. But the research is ongoing and the researchers are not really sure of some of these claims yet.

Despite the fact that there isn't yet a robust body of “hard science” backing up the experiences many people have had while on the alkaline diet, the evidence in favor of this diet continues to grow slowly but steadily. This should come as no surprise since many aspects of the diet are completely uncontroversial, such as choosing fruits and vegetables over high-calorie and nutrient deficient foods. The alkaline diet also discourages eating processed foods that have a lot of sodium, added sugars and preservatives. This is especially good for heart health because the diet can lower your blood pressure and cholesterol. In addition, maintaining a healthy weight is very helpful in preventing and treating osteoarthritis and diabetes

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