Alkaline Diet: Balancing Your Health, Your Weight, and Your Life(Food For Alkaline) by Elizabeth Garcia

Balancing Your Health, Your Weight, and Your Life(Food For Alkaline)

Alkaline diet: balancing your health, your weight, and your life(food for alkaline)


The Alkaline Reset Cleanse is a different way of thinking about the body and how we can rapidly replenish, heal, and reboot ourselves back to optimal health. The body's number-one goal is to maintain homeostasis and balance throughout our Five Master Systems: endocrine, immune, digestive, detoxification, and alkaline buffering (pH balancing). But through our dietary and lifestyle choices, we often put our body into a state of emergency. It is this constant state of emergency from which sickness and disease emerge.

 When something is not right with our internal health, the effects can manifest through devastating symptoms like chronic illness and fatigue. But with the prevalence of current health-food hype, how do we know which foods really.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets

Language: English

Keywords: alkaline diet, detox, weight loss, inflammation, health, clean eating, lifestyle

Word Count: 4151

Sales info:

Recently we ran a promo and were able to make 1500 sales during the promotion period. Though all sales were free downloads but it signifies that the topic has potential and is capable of making money. Paid downloads vary between 40 to 60 per month.



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Sample text:

There are many dieters that diet skip because there are so many crash diets that bait them in. Then, there are many dieters that have came across the Alkaline Diet. But, what is this diet? This specific diet focuses on fresh vegetables, fruit, nuts, and legumes. It sounds pretty simple right? However, unless you know the scientific reasons why this works, then you may be thinking this is common sense. The book jumps into everything Alkaline.


History of the Alkaline Diet

This diet is based on the beliefs that the ancestors ate a diet of different foods from today. Hunter-gatherers did not eat cheeseburgers and other processed foods. Their diets included animals and plants as foods, which had nothing to do with being processed. The diet of today has changed drastically from the way the ancestors ate.


Grains became part of the ancestor’s diets after the creation of tools made of stone. Refined grains were then available after sifting and rolling devices were created.


Milk and milk products like cheese were introduced into their diets once domestic livestock became a staple to their way of life.


The consumption of salt increased due to mining technology as well as transportation becoming increasingly available.  


The consumption of meat increased due to technology. Due to the technology that enabled the grains to be fed to cattle. This allowed the cattle to fatten quite quickly.


The consumption of sugar increased during the start of the Industrial Revolution.

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