Alakaline Diet: A Complete Guide to Alkaline Diet & Naturally Lose Weight (This proven Diet) by Manuel Anthony

A Complete Guide to Alkaline Diet & Naturally Lose Weight (This proven Diet)

Alakaline diet: a complete guide to alkaline diet & naturally lose weight (this proven diet)


This easy to follow book takes a comprehensive approach to understanding acid and alkaline foods and their effect on your body, identifying acidifying foods and providing the essential information with plenty of simple and delicious recipes to help you get started on a healthier diet.

Alkaline smoothie bowls are great for breakfast, as a quick snack, or even as a yummy, guilt-free and nutrient-packed dessert. They leave room for creativity and always attract attention at parties and family occasions. They are not dull and are effortless to prepare.

It’s all about healthy and nutritious alkaline recipes that are super easy to prepare and will give you the energy you deserve. They are perfect for all occasions, offer a variety of taste, are jam-packed with minerals and vitamins to rejuvenate all the cells of your beautiful body to look and feel amazing.

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Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / Diets

Language: English

Keywords: alkaline diet, detox, weight loss, inflammation, health, clean eating, lifestyle

Word Count: 3635

Sales info:

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Sample text:

Morning is the time when we actually break our fast from the night before.  Hence, the word breakfast came to existence.

Our digestive system works hard all night digesting the food eaten during the day. It is therefore very important to gently urge your gut into waking up.  A great way to break the fast is with a glass of warm water or water with a little lemon (it’s actually alkaline!) or with some apple cider vinegar in the water. 

There are a variety of breakfast choices available.  The idea is to veer away from the standard cereal, bagel or Danish, which are full of the wrong carbohydrates and will cause you to be hungry much earlier than lunch time.   Making a simple fruit salad is a great option as well, since it is a good policy to eat most of your fruits in the morning.  

One of the easiest ways to get a great alkaline breakfast is to follow one of the smoothie recipes on the following pages.  Smoothies are quick, easy, raw and packed full of phyto-nutrients, plus they are easy to take on the go.  Try the recipes here and experiment on your own.  It’s easy to add whey powder or protein powder to any of these smoothies.  Ground flaxseed and ground pumpkin seeds make the smoothie even more alkaline and nutritious.  The options are endless. 


Book translation status:

The book is available for translation into any language except those listed below:

Translation in progress. Translated by Micheal gilbin

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