Affiliate Marketing: The Complete Guide to Selling Affiliate Marketing Product by Mike Craig

(29br) The Complete Guide to Selling Affiliate Marketing Product

Affiliate marketing: the complete guide to selling affiliate marketing product


Affiliate programs are now very much part and parcel of any online business endeavors. With almost every company offering some form of affiliates one would be able to understand just how much it can positively contribute to the added revenue element of the endeavor.

I have been making money through affiliate marketing and now I wish to show you how you too can make 6 figures from affiliate marketing.The most important things about affiliate is how to get targeted traffic that can really convert to sale

Affiliate marketing is a lucrative business. You've heard the stories about how people earn insanely high profits when they promote products online and getting sweet comissions for each and every sale.

Do not wait longer to discover YOUR KEY to a new and better life.


Secondary Genre: SELF-HELP / General

Language: English

Keywords: affiliate marketing, how to get rich, make money online, passive income, stock market, investing, real estate, internet marketing, affiliate marketing secrets

Word Count: 2610

Sales info:

Recently we ran a promo and were able to make 1500 sales during the promotion period. Though all sales were free downloads but it signifies that the topic has potential and is capable of making money. Paid downloads vary between 40 to 60 per month.



Minimum estimate - 30 Paid Downloads * $3.00 * 70% = $63 per month

Maximum but not limited to - 60 Paid Downloads * $3.00 * 70% = $126 per month

Annual Earnings per book - Minimum Estimate - $63 * 12 = $756 per year.

Annual Earnings per book - Max but not limited to Estimate - $126 * 12 = $1512 per year.


Please Note - This is just one book. I have over 1000+ books in my arsenal. If one book can do this much imagine how much even 10 books could do for you. Just stay committed with our business model and I assure you that we all will make money!! Lot of it!!

Sample text:

The great thing is we don’t have to be in an accident to share our story. Most people underestimate the power of their experience!


But if you come to think of it, if you live long enough – doesn’t matter if you’re 20 or 60, you will always have something to share.


Maybe you’ve been in debt for the past couple of years and you finally pay all of it. Then you can write a book about how to avoid the same mistakes that you did!

It can be that you are a Harvard student who just passed his entrance exam. Well, you can write a book about that experience and help people pass their own college’s entrance exams.

You could also be a new entrepreneur who finally got his first dollar online. You can write a book how others can do it too!


Remember, everybody is once a beginner and there are more beginners in the world compared to experts. No matter your age or your experience is – you will always have something worth sharing that others are willing to read.


In fact, one of the reasons why I decided to pursue writing as a profession (even though, admittedly, I am not a great writer) is because of what happened to me 8 years ago.

When I was in high-school, I failed English twice!


Well, who would have thought that someone who failed English twice in high-school would now become a full time writer?


You see, you don’t have to have that near death experience to be able to share your story.

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