The right way to discover 'life after death' - A way toward 'one world
order'. This article discusses the physics of Einstein and Stephen Hawking to
keep a brick in understanding life after death and discusses the only way
to possibly discover the soul. The model discussed in this book is a blend
product of modern physics, Islam and neurological sciences. It is a piece of
literature that combines various pieces of literatures on a single platform,
for instance, it brings the "spiritual, islamic, physics, biology, information
technology, and scientific reasoning" literatures on a single platform. This is
some extraordinary work and it took me two years to complete the
thinking and finally give it a written shape. The theories mentioned in this
book are totally workable and can be put to test by the scientists of the
21st century to figure out whether the conceptualization of 'life after
death' is something real or unreal. This will lead to a huge advancement in
modern day science, leading to attainment of one world unity in the
proven concept, thence the forever notioned 'one world peace and order'.
Book published on 2nd of february 2019. And also available on Amazon.
Prefácio... Nikola Tesla disse uma vez que, "No dia em que a ciência começar a estudar fenómenos não-físicos, fará mais progressos numa década do que em todos os séculos anteriores da sua existência".
Resumo--- Este artigo discute a física de Einstein e Stephen Hawking para manter um tijolo na compreensão da vida após a morte e discute a única maneira de possivelmente descobrir a alma.
Uma vez que isto usa muita referência ao Islão, a principal suposição é também que o Alcorão e as palavras do Profeta Maomé (que a paz esteja com ele) estão todos correctos.
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