(3b) ketogenic diet recipes: the systematic guide for beginner’s ketogenic diet for weight loss


A Ketogenic diet is done with the purpose of attaining the state of ketosis. Throughout this 
book, you’ll learn how to measure your ketone levels, and how to change your diet to reach the 
best ketone levels for you; ones that will help you to lose weight, and be healthy both 
physically and mentally. It turns the body into an active and efficient fat burning machine, 
where it taps and burns its fat reserves to generate ketones as fuel for the body since a ketone 
diet will allow you to have access to all the energy of your fat reserves, it can significantly 
develop your physical endurance. This diet is beneficial with or without exercise. When the body 
is in ketosis, fat is burned for fuel, eliminating the need to add aerobic exercise for burning 
fat. While exercise is not necessary, it speeds up the weight loss process, and provides many 
health benefits outside of weight loss, including reducing the risk of heart disease and 
























Genre: COOKING / General

Secondary Genre: HEALTH & FITNESS / General

Language: English

Keywords: ketogenic Diet, Ketogenic Cookbook, Ketogenic recipes, low carb cookbook, Low carb recipes, ketogenic for beginners, low carb for beginners

Word Count: 3659

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Sample text:

Drizzle lemon juice over the lettuce leaves.

Spread cream cheese over the lettuce leaves.

Add a ham slice on each leaf.

Divide chopped tomatoes between the lettuce leaves.

Top with chili peppers and arrange on a nice serving platter.

Place the extra virgin coconut oil in a small bowl and melt it in a microwave oven on low heat for about 1 to 5 minute

Add raw cocoa powder, vanilla extract, stevia and Erythritol.

Mix everything well, ensuring there are no clumps

Spoon the chocolate mixture into the silicone about 2-2 ½ of the way full

Refrigerate the molds for about 25-30 minutes, or until the chocolate mixture solidifies

Add 1-1 ½  a teaspoon of homemade coconut and pecan butter into the mold Top with the remaining chocolate mixture and return to the fridge for another 1-1 ½ hour or until firm.

Once this is done, keep the molds refrigerated since coconut oil gets very soft at room temperature

Rub the pork with coconut oil, then season with rosemary, salt, and pepper.

Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat.

Add the pork and cook for 5 to 10  minutes on each side until browned.

Sprinkle the cauliflower in the skillet around the pork.

Reduce the heat to low, then cover the skillet and cook for 12 to 15  minutes until the pork is cooked through.

Slice the pork and serve with the cauliflower.



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