Michel Hanna Haj (author)

Middle East Analyst and author of political books (and novels)

Michel hanna haj


Michel Hanna Haj

Author I born in 1936 in Palestine. Studied at the Faculty of Law of the Beirut Arab University, where he earned a Bachelor of Law in 1974.
* Worked in the visual media field for over 55 years, until he retired in 2013 when he engaged in writing a series of political articles on the Arab Spring, Daesh and providing analytical work on the Middle-East.
During his professional career as the Regional Director of the Middle East, he worked with well known news agencies, such as WTN, and contributed to the production of numerous programs for MBC, Dubai and Abu Dhabi televisions, BBC, CBS, CNN and numerous European networks. The author has published several novels in Arabic: ميسلون الخالدة : مسرحية وطنية ذات اربع فصول ("Immortal Maysaloon") published by Pioneer House in Syria, which was also presented as a play in theaters in Amman, in Ramallah and Damascus. He also wrote a collection of short stories entitledالمجنون .. يعشق الموت الأعمال الكاملة الروايات; 1 ("Crazy love death,") and another novel, الرجل الذى وجد نصفه ("The man who found his soul mate") which was translated into German and Russian languages. A few of these novels will be republished soon. He has also written two political books in Arabic- on Daesh and Al-Qaeda: المؤامرة.. حرب لتصفية داعش أم لتفكيك القاعدة؟
("The Plot: A War to Annihilate Daesh (ISIS) or to Annihilate Al-Qaeda ) and داعش... بين إفرازات الطائفية وظلامية الطرح (Daesh ... between sectarianism and obscurantism). A third political book will be published soon.

The author has been interviewed by many television networks providing in-depth political analysis on the Middle-East.







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"The Plot: A War to Annihilate Daesh (ISIS) or to Annihilate Al-Qaeda
Daesh ... between sectarianism and obscurantism
