My name is Chiara, I'm 20-ish year old and I write.
I've studied too much and didn't travel enough in my short life.
I'm in love with Scotland, Edinburgh in particular, where I spent probably the best 9 months of my life (Erasmus program). I love English, French and German, but I actually know just one of the three. I graduated in July 2014 at the University of Verona, where I studied "Languages and Cultures for Publishing".
I wrote and published (July 2013) "Lithium" with one of my best friend ever, Marika. After that we published "St. Jillian Carol" in December 2013, a 4 stories anthology focused on the main characters of Lithium. Finally, few months ago (March 2015), I finished writing and published "Iridium" (the second book of the St. Jillian Saga). This saga is a tetralogy, the third one should be finished by the end of September and titled "Argentum". From the beginning of "Iridium", I became the only writer of the saga, 'cause my co-author was too busy with her life!
Anything else?
Ah yep, I study at Holden School, a school of storytelling and performing arts, founded by Baricco, a very cool Italian writer. In May, I've been rewarded for a short story at the Turin Book Fair and my work has been published by Historica Edizioni.
Title | Info |
Un Dark Romance che lega le vite di diverse persone alla ricerca della loro strada, in un mondo irreale, governato da un'entità incurante. Perché il Destino ci ama e ci odia con la stessa intensità, ma a noi, povere pedine del suo folle piano, l'odio semb