Zerihun Dolphin (author)

Zerihun dolphin

"You can
keep the change for the peep show." I backed up still staring, not trusting what the girl
might do. 
"Stop," the girl’s voice was authoritative and I halted though I wasn’t certain why.
The girl’s build was not athletic just naturally gifted and I doubted she could overpower
me. Kacey came slowly from behind the counter and stopped in front of me. She flipped
open the front of the skirt and her sex became visible, the hair shaved into symbols I
remembered seeing in one of Melody’s books. The ones on her bra too had been familiar.
"So many men doubt the power I have. They think they are the strong ones, but you are
weak. You want me and for the first time in a long time, I desire you as well. Follow me
and we shall begin." 
Kacey backed away slowly her eyes locked onto mine. I matched her step for step
again asking myself why. I seemed free to think but couldn’t seem to muster control.
Kacey took my hands pulling me through a gossamer curtain into the back where as you
might expect there was the usual store room stuff. Shelves, boxes, labels and what you
might not expect, a bed in one corner illuminated by candelight. The iron posts had ropes
tied to them that were thick and coarse. 
"Touch me now," Kacey commanded and my hand immediately went beneath her
skirt. I rubbed in circles feeling her wetness as she unbuttoned my shirt. ‘This is crazy!’
my mind screamed at me but my body continued to follow her commands, she must have
put me in some sort of trance, but I could still think freely. 
Just as Kacey was pulling my shirt loose and her skirt had fallen to the floor, the
door’s bells clanged. She froze and a female voice called out, "Kacey! Are you here?"
Finding myself free to act once again, I pulled myself away and dove for a rear
door. The fire alarm sounded when I yanked it open but I jumped off a back loading dock
and sprinted for my car. Once seated calmly inside the comfortable confines of my
firebird, I saw Kacey inside being grilled by an older woman. The woman was gesturing
angrily and Kacey had not attempted to redress herself. Finally after numerous angry
exchanges, both turned towards the front window of the shop. Chills ran up and down
my spine as both women fixed their eyes on me with Kacey still not having attempted to
cover herself in any way. It was kind of crazy. Someone could walk by or enter the shop
at any minute but despite the early weekend hour, the plaza was barren. It was if the
world had been suddenly brought to a stand still and it made me wonder what I had
stumbled onto here. I slipped the key into the ignition and started the car. I reached for
the gear shift and dropped into reverse, my hand brushing a silver bag. Somehow the
incense and book Kacey had ‘sold’ me were in the car though I was certain I hadn’t put
them there. I revved the motor and backed out of the parking lot looking to put as much
distance between me and the store as possible.
This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: 

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