Zach Olson (author)

Zach olson

He had learned many new justus, and had gotten better at controlling his 'Kyuubi Transformations'. Nya had grown more lusty, and was almost always obsessing over Naruto's body. Kubo had stayed fit, by fighting in a local town arena, and had won several awards.
    And now, after three years, Naruto was on his way, with Jayiara, back to Konoha.
     A cloaked figure quickly trudged through a muddy field in the dead of night. When he reached his destination, he gave three short chirps, and directly after, two other cloaked figures drop from an above tree. One had a taped katana in his hand, and a scroll in the other. The other had two sheathed knives in each of her hands.
     "Do you have it," the boy with the katana asked.
     "Yeah, it's right here," the original boy replied, pulling a scroll out of his cloak.
     The 'katana boy' took the scroll, then opened it and read its contents. After a couple moments of reading, the teen looked up and said,"This is good. It includes the telepathy link, and that's really all we need."
     "Ok, well then," The original boy started," You guys have to hurry up. You guys can't be seen in the village."
    "We understand," The katana boy said, then quickly dragged his hand over the contents of the scroll.
    There was a flash of light, then a swirling portal formed on the ground. The katana boy jumped in, and the portal glowed brighter for a moment, the returned to normal. The girl, in her black cloak, with prints of cherry blossoms, looked back at the one remaining boy with pain in her eyes, then ran into his arms.
      "I love you," She whispered silently, then stood on her tippy-toes to kiss him.
      Their tongues danced in an erotic pattern, and when they broke the kiss, the boy looked down and said," I know you love me, baby."
     She looked up at him disappointedly, and replied,"Why can't you say you love me, Naruto?"
     "Nya, I'm just not ready yet," Naruto answered sadly.
     Nya looked at him, then quickly packed him on the lips, and jumped into the portal. The portal flashed one last time, then closed and compressed into, once again, a small scroll. Naruto smiled softly, then picked up the scroll, and quickly ran through the field, in the direction of the village, to meet up with Jayiara and set out for Konoha.
    Well guys, that was chapter four! Hope you enjoyed it, and try to comment please. Those who wanted more had wait a long time because I didn't know anyone liked my story, so comment!!! Also, I might be thinking of doing a 'One Piece' story, so given me your opinion on what you would think of that.
     Next chapter:Naruto finally returns to Konoha, and finds that someone he would never expect has a major crush on him, and it isn't Hinata!!
     Until then,

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