Travis Chilton (author)

Travis chilton

We made a reservation at one 
of the local seafood places and rode off on our motorcycle for a wonderful dinner. When we returned
we put our bathing suits on, sat in the hot tub for a while, and made love under the stars.


We ran into Tom and Sandy a few more times during our stay in Bermuda, but all good things must come
to an end. We exchanged e-mail addresses, said we'd all meet again, and so on, but I didn't have any 
serious expectations.

Cindy and I flew home, and while doing so Cindy decided that allowing Jen and Diane to move in together 
was probably the better alternative, especially given that Jen's roommate was now having threesomes only 
a few feet away from her bed in a tiny dorm room. Cindy noted wryly, that if you're going to have threesomes, at least you shouldn't be directly interfering with the lives of others. And of course, I was sworn to secrecy regarding her relationship with Sandy in Bermuda (not that I'd bring that up to anyone in the normal course of conversation anyway). 

I noted that Tom had told me that Sandy almost never let him participate when she had sex with women,
but Sandy apparently had no problem having me joining in with her and Cindy. The topic never came up,
and since Cindy didn't ask I wasn't going to offer any information. As far as I was concerned, however 
Sandy dealt with Tom was their business. But she was beautiful, hand a killer figure, gave great head and
fucked like a wildcat. I believed that I would remember our Bermuda adventure fondly at the time.

At the beginning of the next month we hired a trailer and helped Jen move into Diane's apartment after
her roommate moved out. Cindy and the girls went out shopping for items Cindy determined were 
necessary to make things a little more home-like (Diane's parents seemed strangely out of the loop on
stuff like this, but we didn't inquire), while I fixed a few things and set up Jen's bed. Then we spent a day 
helping the two of them get things reorganized.

As we were driving home, Cindy noted that we might now see a bit less of Jen, now that she had a 
real apartment as opposed to a dorm room. This did turn out to be true to some extent, because now
Jen was able to actually cook (she discovered what a revelation it is to have a real kitchen at your
disposal), but she still came to the house to do her laundry and just get away. After the first month, she
sent me an email noting that I hadn't been over to visit the two of them. Cindy was going to have yet 
another trip in another few weeks, so I dropped her a note suggesting we all have dinner then - and 
we could either eat at their place, or I'd take them out to one of the local restaurants. 

Jen thought that was a great idea, so I just left it at that as I returned to concentrating on my work.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: 






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