Susan Rivera (author)

Susan rivera

He kept pulling away from me to go and do things with his friends. A few of the guys tried to flirt with me whenever Jason wasn't around. They were even touching me when they could get away with it.
As I was lifting the Jerry can to get a drink of water, Paul offered to help me. Jason was only a few feet behind me but facing the other way. Paul gave my breast a good squeeze and smiled at me. I backed away because I was scared of Jason catching us. That night I went to bed early again, much to the disappointment of Jason's friends. Jason stayed up quite late and I pretended to be asleep when he came to bed. He very briefly tried to see if I was interested in sex, but gave up when I was unresponsive.
The fifth day I was up early and so was a few of the guys. I had another shower and the guys weren't even subtle about watching me this time. Jason was still asleep, so the guys came right up to me and watched, as I washed my breasts, and cleaned between my legs. As I was drying myself the guys were getting a feel. Their hands were all over my breasts. One of them even stuck his hand down my pants, and got a finger inside me, but I pulled away. Jason could have come outside of the tent at any moment, and I was very scared of getting caught. I finished drying quickly, and went back in our tent to get changed.
Jason woke up an hour or so later and the morning passed uneventfully. At one point, I saw one of the guys tipping away lots of ice. I wondered why he was throwing it out, but didn't think much about it at the time. After lunch, Michael very publicly said we were out of ice and a few other things, and he asked Jason to go with him to get some more. The nearest town was at least an hour away. I knew instantly that this was a plan to get Jason out of the way. Michael already had put the cooler boxes in the back of his truck, and there were only two seats in the front cab.
This was my chance to ask Jason not to go. Jason asked me if I was ok on my own for a bit. This was my opportunity. I had to remove temptation, or I knew I would succumb to my desires. I didn’t have to say, "Don't go because your best friends all want to fuck me." All I had to do was tell him I was uncomfortable, and he would stay with me.
"I'm okay," I heard myself say, as Jason kissed me goodbye, and told me they would be back in about three hours.
The dust from Michael's truck hadn't even settled when the guys gathered round me and started feeling me up. I stood there as David and the others pulled my top off, and removed my bra. Several of them were holding me up, as my boots were taken off. One of them was unzipping my jeans. Hands pulled my jeans and knickers off, and within a minute I was totally naked. I was about to be gangbanged for the second time in three days. I was going to let all these guys fuck me again, and even though I felt incredibly guilty, I desperately wanted their cocks inside me.
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