Seth Freeman (author)

Seth freeman

She grasped the leather straps firmly to keep her balance as she surrendered herself to the rapacious tentacles. Kylie soon realised that surrender was the only option as the plant seemed determined to penetrate her in both holes.

"Just let yourselves go," advised Gemma, who had several of the probing tendrils in each of her holes. "They’ll gradually release their seeds and then they’ll retract. Ooh! fuck! I’m coming." Gemma tensed and twisted, hanging from the leather straps.

Sandy couldn’t tell how many of the invading tentacles had penetrated her. It was like being fingered by several hands. Kylie, too, was beginning to enjoy the sensation and groaned deliriously as she was thoroughly shagged by the mutant plant. Gemma’s eyes rolled up as a second and third orgasm overtook her. Gradually the tendrils began to withdraw, having deposited a clear, sticky secretion in the girl’s anal and vaginal openings.

"The fucking things are pumping their goo up me." Sandy shrieked in excitement. "They’re making me cum. Fuck!’

Kylie sobbed and writhed as the marauding tentacles pumped their viscous sap into her. All three women hung limply from their straps, exhausted after their experience. Gradually, the tendrils, having achieved their purpose, gradually shrank and withdrew. Within a minute they had retreated back to the plant.

Gemma handed round wet-wipes and tissues so they could clean up the goo that was running down their thighs. "Don’t worry, ladies, the stuff is totally harmless."

"That’s good," laughed Sandy. "I don’t fancy giving birth to half a dozen prickly cacti."

"I did have a scary experience the first time I used it. Uncle Freddy had warned me not to try it on my own. Of course, I couldn’t wait and went right ahead by myself. All the tentacles wanted to shag me. I nearly lost consciousness as they had their wicked way with me. I thought they were going to rip me apart."

"Fuck! I’m glad you didn’t tell me that before we started. I would never have agreed to it."

"Maybe" agreed Sandy, "But I bet you are glad you did. That was a fantastic fuck."

Sandy and Kylie made their way home, carrying a bag containing a gift-wrapped ‘Cockum Erectis and two large tubes of the special lubricant as well as two bottles of "Irresistible" perfume. Plans for the future included a visit to Claire Proudlove, to present her with a Cockum Erectis. Naturally, both Sandy and Kylie would have a liberal application of Irresistible when they called. A threesome, wait make that a foursome if we include the new houseplant, with the curate’s wife was something to look forward to.

Gemma had hinted that Uncle Freddy was on the brink of a new breakthrough – something about a pulsating cucumber. It sounded promising. Gemma promised to ask Uncle Freddy if they could all take a look in his greenhouse where he propagated his new species.

Sandy and Kylie were certainly glad of the discovery of The Novelty Shop.

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