Samantha Gray (author)

Samantha gray

It was one of those twilight moments, when we think we’re awake but we’re half-caught in a dream. Kelly worked his penis, glad to once again be used, and loving the chance to suck the man whose Toy she was. He came, not hard, but oozing as gently as half-sleep allows, and she felt the warm liquid pulse into her mouth, three, four times. She held it in her mouth, ran her tongue over his warm seed, pushed it out onto her lips and rubbed it all over her face in happy abandon. I smell like sex now. She lay her head down on his abdomen, the organ still in her mouth, gently sucking. I sure made the right decision to come over here. And fell asleep.
Brilliant daylight streamed through the window, Mary felt the sun-warmth and opened her eyes. There was Kelly, curled into a ball, naked as a jaybird. John snored on the other side of her. Mary rolled over toward the girl, slid a lock of hair away and softly licked her lips. Kelly roused, opened her eyes, and obligingly opened her mouth, at this befuddled moment a complete slave. Mary pointed her tongue, drove into Kelly’s mouth and fake-fucked it, in and out. She tasted the girl. "Whoa, is that what I think it is?" she whispered.
Kelly nodded, a sheepish grin.
"Babydoll, how’d you do that?"
Kelly whispered, "He woke up in the middle of the night doing it, and that woke me up, so I took over and finished him off. I don’t think he even knew it was me. Hey Mary, let’s just keep it our secret, okay. Just between you and me?"
She grinned at the face below her. "He’ll never know, not unless we decide to tell him later…"
The two nude girls lay there, each lost in her own thoughts on this bright, carefree Sunday morning of sunshine and togetherness. Mary rose, went to the closet, pulled out a French maid’s costume – white pinafore with mini-skirt in black, the blouse sheer. Three-inch black heels. A black neckband with cream cameo. "Wear this and go make us breakfast-in-bed, slavegirl."
The girl did as ordered.
Shortly, Kelly The French Maid entered the bedroom again, a tray of food in her hands. Scrambled eggs, bacon, coffee, quarters of jellied toast. She woke the marrieds, pulled the covers off them, and placed the tray on their naked laps. She noticed John’s penis, of course, now just a small nubbin.
"Your breakfast, Madame and Sir…" she said leaning down and displaying all the cleavage her transparent blouse offered. "Oh, and one other treat especially from the chef – " She placed a heeled foot on the bed beside John, the skirt now raised high on her thigh and revealing the treasured cleft. She reached into herself, extracted a smoky link slowly to their wondering eyes, placed it on the plate. And then again, another was removed.
"Oh you dog," said Mary, and giggled. "Smokin’," said her husband.
 "Arf! Arf!" It was all too much this early in the morning, and they fell laughing as they all ate breakfast in bed.
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