"That's all? My god son! We have to find her and soon you are a wreck!' His father said as his mother hugged him. Nodding to both of them he pulled his cell and called a few of his friends. Each and every one of them had never heard of a woman named violet. Calling one of his last two friends, the man told him that there was a woman like he described that worked in the records room.
"I think they all left for the holidays early today, huh? Her name, hmmm, let me think I think it was Rosewood. Ok later buddy see you after the holidays." His friend said as he hung up.
Thomas sat around the rest of the day, after beating up on his cousins, everyone pretty much left him alone. Moping he threw his arms up and sat out by the pool not really caring what was going on around him. Once again he'd screwed up sighing he took the unopened bottle of liquor opened it all the way and turned it up. As the fiery liquid burned down his throat he thought this will work. I'll just stay drunk 'til I go back.
Getting up he slightly stumbled into the now almost dark house and raided the liquor cabinet grabbing four more bottles he nodded yup that ought to do. He'd just started on the second full bottle when he heard a car out front. Great more late relatives, trying to get up he fell back in the chair and chuckled hell with it!
A voice caught his attention, "Son, there's a woman by the name of Violet Rosewood at the front door." His mother said.
"Let her in," A slurred voiced Thomas said. Trying to stand Thomas took an unsteady step toward the house and fell back into the pool! Sinking down he thought well this sucks!
His mother screamed as Thomas hit the frigid water. A body came flying through the house and jumped in next to him. Pulling him out She didn't hear any breath or feel a heartbeat. Immediately she started CPR.
Finally getting the water out of his lungs Thomas started to breathe. "Damn it Thomas, are you drunk?" His rescuer asked.
When he only nodded she sighed. Helping him up she got him into bed and stayed there with him all night.
Later that night Thomas awoke with a headache plus the room was spinning a little. Looking around his room he spotted someone in the far chair against the wall. "Violet?" He whispered.
She got up and came to him kissing him. "I remembered you telling me your name. I looked it up before I left and got your address. After I saw mother, I drove all the way across the city it took hours though, traffic was terrible." Leaning close she said. "You have to keep me stretched out Thomas, at least that's what Nick said. By the way did he look familiar to you?"
"Yeah he did kind of looked like..." Thomas started. It was just then that they heard sleigh bells over head. Turning Thomas smiled, "looks like it's going to be a Merry Christmas after all!"
"I agree; I love you!" Violet said.
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