Princess Davis (author)

Princess davis

I don't know how much pleasure this extra contact gives him, but for me it is extreme. "Why," I wonder, "does God make a woman so responsive? We enjoy sex far too much. If I enjoyed it a tenth as much I'd still want to do it all the time with every male available. Perhaps this is simply our reward. We don't get to decide when we will have sex or with whom. But when a man does choose us, we get amply rewarded."

  Gemric stops playing around inside my vagina. The big moment begins. I feel his entry. At first it is not much different from vaginal sex. There is the same orgasmic delight when he parts me with his first six inches. Forcing his bulge inside my fanny is eroticly difficult, more for me than him. But my anal sphincter is not direction insensitive. During coitus it easily surrenders to invasion. Still, the action leaves me helpless with joy. Once Gemric has his ball inside me I can suddenly feel my sphincter tighten. I cannot stop this and would rather die than do so if I could. It is the locking, what ever females lives for.

  Locking is delightful for the male. He feels my sphincter squeeze him between his ball and the base of his penis where he is sexually sensitive. He slides back and forth, further exciting this finely tuned part of his anatomy. But every time he reachings bottom, as if trying to pull out, the pressure on the inside of my closed anal lips drives me to an absolute distraction that goes even beyond the orgasms I've already had. As with vaginal penetration, I loose track of time. Nor does it matter. No activity imaginable is more important than satisfying a male of either sex.

  I do not know how much a man can control when he ejaculates in my fanny. All I know is that eventually he must. And Gemric did. I was not surprised when the pleasure became suddenly so great that I lost consciousness. It had always happened this way with alphas. And the two male sexes are not that different. Both secrete a chemical that makes women totally dominated. A woman whose's been fanny fucked will never deny any male anything. And girls are traditionally heinied the first day they achieve consciousness as adults. When I awoke, probably minutes later though I had no way of telling, Gemric was gently massaging one of my tits. When he could tell that I was recovered, he softly kissed my lips and left.

  Kemish told me once that alpha males need about a day to recover and recharge physically, but that he could perform normal functions not involving sex a few minutes later. I suppose betas are much the same. I'm aware that it is theoretically possible for a girl to serve two lovers in sequence. But I knew from my experience with alphas, that I would be incapable of thinking about much of anything else for days. As I lay there on the couch I could have hardly told you my own name. But I could have waxed eloquently for hours about the joys of being heinied.

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