Phillip Gray (author)

Phillip gray

My other hand moved to open her petals wider as my cock slides against the back of her ass. She is close to cumming. I knew this. I felt her tighten on my fingers. I feel the moment her body begins to move with me instead of trying to keep me from being inside. " Say it," I spoke more forcefully. Paula clutched at the bed spread and tried to focus on saying no. She feels her diamond ring cutting into her hand and remembering it was a gift from me. She opens her mouth to say no, and found herself on the verge of a intense climax instead. At the same moment, I move my hands, placing them on her hips and held her there. In her aroused state, she let her body speak for her. She spoke the words that would put her out of her sweet misery. " I'm yours." The words are soft and panted, but it is all I needed to hear before I let myself go wild. Quickly I lifted her hips and pushed myself completely inside her wet pussy. When I found myself buried in my new lover to the hilt, she let out a hard, lusty cry. I begin my total possession. Slowly and firmly I fucked her again. Pulling out to nearly complete then thrusting hard and grinding inside. I took her hands in mine and held her ringed finger in front of her. 

" Open your eyes," I said as I picked up the pace. " I want you to look at this ring when I fuck you." My thrusts are harder than before. Her feet bounced off the floor with each thrust. " I want you to feel me like this each time you look at the ring I gave you." The passionate assault continues, building in savage intensity that took them both by surprise. I bit at her shoulders, gripping her hands and marked my possession of her with my words at each thrust of our bodies against the bed. The words " you're mine" became a chant of pleasure as I fucked her hard and steady, the only interruption to the chant are Paula's own cries. They are cries of passion and of a deep sense of knowing that my words were right. She is wearing my ring, she now loved me, her body and its passions are claimed solely by me thrusting forcefully inside of her. As I rode out my way to climax, my hands searched her inner bud again. Pinching it between my fingers, I thrust myself one last time. Hot seed filling her, running down her legs as she found her own release with me inside. I held her under me as she bucked and rocked in the most intense climax she had ever felt. I held her there long after she had collapsed completely under my thighs. Rolling myself to the side of the bed I stared at her as I caught my breath. She watched me in return; dazed by our second encounter for the moment. My jaw is still twitching. There is still hunger in my eyes. I pulled her completely on top of me. With my hands I press her ass down to cover my slackened penis. I kiss her hard as I held her there, and then pulled her up by her hair to meet my eyes. They are hot with primal passion and made her melt inside. " Don't ever try to leave me again."

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