Nick Shea (author)

Nick shea

Her arms wrapped around my neck and she pressed harder into me. 

After our session, I noticed that I struggled to complete sentences and I found pleasure in just grunting out commands to Carolyn. I do not know if it was because of the intense stint on the floor rolling around in the puddle of my scent or the fact that I marked Carolyn with my pheromone during the act, but I had this overwhelming compulsion to let my base instincts take over. 

I also noticed that Carolyn’s base instincts were also starting to take hold of her as well. Normally when I am with a woman they want to wash up and get dress. Carolyn did not want either of those. This made me flush with desire because I had finished in her not 5 minutes ago and watching my seed seep out of her mound as she lay on the floor in my office made me glad that I made her part of my territory. 

"Gus is warm, Gus is strength." Carolyn said in a rather husky tone. She got up and walked to the mini fridge I had in my office, she pulled out the half gallon of milk and proceeded to drink it straight out of the jug. She didn’t just drink the milk but rather gulped it down like it was going to expire in a second. She was sloppy with it as well, streams of milk spilt out from the corners of her mouth, but it did not seem to bother her at all. When she finished she tossed the empty container on the floor and then bent over to lick some of the remnants that pooled on the linoleum. 

"Gus make me smile, Gus is home." She said as she lapped up the milk. "Home now, home forever." She pulled herself up from the milk and crawled like a gorilla towards me. She pushed herself up off of my thighs and bit my ear. Had this been before my awakening I would have been in pain, however now I was turned on by her aggression. She sensed my arousal and bit my ear a bit harder, saying "Gus makes me family."

Her words were only driving my instinctual urges to a higher level. It was because of me that Carolyn was devolving into a cavewoman like stage and it was turning me on. With the simple deed of marking my territory, Carolyn now wanted me in every way. Eventually she would be pregnant with my seed. If I could do this to a prim and proper office assistant, I know I could make others like her.
That was another part of my subconscious that was starting to rear up in my head. Everything important to me had to do with marking my home and expanding my territory. I had my classroom and now Carolyn, but that was just a start. My brain was sending out signals of expansion and not just of rooms and property. I wanted to expand my legacy, I wanted to impregnate women. My mind pumped out images of other teachers who I wanted to make mine, Miss Swanson the pre-algebra teacher, Mrs. Cortez the Spanish teacher, Mrs. Benson the language arts teacher, Dr. Karen, the school psychologist and even the principal, Ms. Pope. Yes Ms. Pope would be the crown jewel of my territory, my home, my brood, my…queen.

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