Miranda Alexander (author)

Miranda alexander

Once back inside the club it didn't take long for another guy to hit on me. It turned out that he had come with a group of friends and they had a van out in the parking lot. When he suggested we take a look at it, I didn't object, but I said if he wanted to fuck me why not just ask.
He looked shocked when I further suggested that he should ask his friends if they might like to join us. When we got outside to the van this guy simply spread a dirty old sheet in the back and we both climbed inside. He stripped me naked and began fucking me, while four of his friends queued up outside, watching us doing it.
It was while this was taking place that I noticed a car drive up and stop just two cars away. When the driver got out I froze, it was none other than my husband Dave, he had arrived to collect me from the dance. I very quickly got dressed, raced back inside and told Kate. I then went to theladies to change into my drab old clothes. By the time I emerged from the ladies, Dave was waiting in the entrance for me. His prim and proper wife in her drab conservative clothes waved to her husbandand gave him a quick kiss.
Over the next few weeks my newfound sexuality just seemed to take over my life. It was like a life force that I loved, yet could not control. I wanted sex constantly, not with my husband, but with complete strangers. I did not want any love or affection from it, just plain sex, the more sordid the surroundings, the more I liked it.
I was going out during the day trying to get picked up by men, flashing my panties in rough town center bars etc. I didn't say no to anyone who wanted me, age, appearance, color, didn't matter, quite simply I would have unprotected sex with anyone who wanted me. It didn't take me long to get a reputation as the town bike.
As you can imagine, the inevitable happened, I was well and truly pregnant. I managed to persuade Dave that it was his baby, that a condom must have failed. He never seemed to doubt this, although I had a worrying nine months wondering if the baby would be colored or not. Fortunately for us both, the baby was white, although who the father is I shall never know. After the baby was born, I persuaded Dave that from now on, the pill would be a safer form of contraception.
I lied though when I told Dave I was going on the pill. Even before the baby was six weeks old, I had resumed my life of wanton unprotected sex. The reality is, that when I make love to my husband I use a spermicide cream.
You see I want more children, I would like tobecome a constantly pregnant whore. I lovethe thrill of being made pregnant by a stranger, not knowing if the baby will be black, white, yellow or brown. However I don't want to have any more children by my husband.
I am not sure what the future will hold for me, nor do I care, I am only glad that my lifehas now taken the path it has.

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