Michael Schwarting (author)

Michael schwarting

"But I'm not finished yet," he moaned.

"Your majesty!" she said firmly. "The test was to see if it fit. That test has been accomplished. The last time we met I believe we let our emotions get the better of us, to my embarrassment. Should you wish to 'finish' this I suggest we repair to some place more private. He grinned and reached out his hand to her. "After we are married." she finished.

Queen Alana laughed out loud at the look on her son's face when he realized that he'd found the woman who could satisfy him, but that he'd get no satisfaction that day. She turned to Cindy Ella, who stood proudly in the kitchen, despite the fact she was filthy and dressed in rags. "I like you already" she said simply. "Let's get you cleaned up and dressed in something that befits your new station." She held out her hand, and Cindy Ella took it.

"NOW WAIT JUST A DAMN MINUTE!" shouted Gerda. Queen Alana turned a frosty stare on the woman and she went on less loudly. "What am I gonna do without Cindy Ella? She does all the work. We need her here. What do we get?" Alana turned to the Captain of the guard who accompanied them. "If this woman says another word ... EVER ... you are to cut her tongue out and bring it to me wrapped in the skin that currently covers her right breast." The Captain didn't bat an eye. "YES YOUR MAJESTY" he stated. The Queen pulled Cindy Ella's arm and they left.

Cindy Ella was given rooms in the guest wing of the castle. Beautiful gowns appeared, as if by magic. She was led to a large pool of steaming fragrant water, where she bathed for an hour. She ate dinner with the King and Queen, they saying that they needed to get to know their daughter-in-law to be. By the end of dinner the wedding had been planned and they knew that they'd love her as their own daughter.

Rupert, of course, was smitten. Like any man in love, he acted the idiot, following her around, pining after her when she wasn't in the room, suggesting that they should get married that very night. In the end, Cindy Ella took pity on him. She let him get her alone in a room with many pillows and cushions. She let his hands wander. She let him pinch and suck her nipples, giving her several orgasms. He begged her to finish what had been started at her old house. But Cindy Ella remembered that at the same time the magic snowflakes had altered her throat, another bunch of them had disappeared between her legs. She had a suspicion that there was one more thing Madge had changed about her and she couldn't wait for the wedding to find out.

Which is how Rupert ended up with his princely prick buried in Cindy Ella's welcoming pussy. He sighed with contentment as the little head of his monster poker snuggled its way through her cervix and into her womb where it happily spat and splattered his royal seed all over the place. He'd found his perfect fit in life.

And they all lived happily ever after.

The End

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