Lisa Osterberg (author)

Lisa osterberg

immobile to the coffee table 

Ruby: Let me have a go

Ruby lightly slaps Geo on the balls and he winces and let's out a tiny touch

Ava: That's pathetic let me go

Ava makes a fist and slams it down onto Geo's erect tower and he let's out a loud scream 

Beth: Wow poor little thing 

Beth decides to join in and slaps upward on Geo's balls hard and he cries silently wishing he wasn't there

Me: I'll be right back 

I leave Geo in there with them as I go heat up some water in the microwave, I come back into the room, pick up Geo's sore dick and pour a tiny bit of the hot water onto the tip and let it run down his balls as he squirms and let's out a screech 


We all look at eachother and nod

Me: Ok we'll give that poor little pathetic thing a break

We untie Geo and flip him over and retie him

Geo: What are you doing

Me: Yiu didn't think it was all over did you 

I take off my diamond studded belt and smack it as hard as I can onto Geo's ass and he starts breathing a little heavier 

Beth: I brought some cables

Beth pulls out some HDMI cables and rolls them up and strikes Geo's ass and thighs with them as he let's out some more this time more audible moans

Ava: Oh you like that?

Geo stutters embarrassed knowing full well we can see straight through the lie he's about to tell

Geo: Uhhh no

Ruby: I have an idea flip him back over 

We untie Geo and flip him back over still hard and he looks embarrassed and scared, Ruby pulls her slim pink vibrator out of her purse and she slides it into Geo's ass and turns it on the highest setting and geo starts gripping to the sides of the table blatantly obviously trying not to moan and stay silent 

Tia: Wow I think he likes that 

Ava: Let's train him to like this 

Ava slaps Geo's ever harder dick and pulls out her phone to record 


Me: Shut up bitch you have no say in that she can go ahead and record

Beth: I have an idea

Beth whispers idea in my ear 

Me: Ohhhh I like it

I let all my saliva fall into my hand and I start massaging Geo's dick as he starts breathing heavily 

Tia: What are you doing 

I whisper into Tias ear the idea and she loves it too, I start massaging harder while pulling the toy in and out as Geo starts moaning and twitching and I keep doing this for a few minutes 

Geo: Oh fuck I'm gonna cum

Right as he's almost there I stop everything completely and slap his dick again

Me: Wow you are crazy to think I would let that happen you're even more air headed than you look

Geo: What the hell I was 3 seconds away 

We all point and laugh as he says that and as soon as he goes soft again I put the cage back on

Me: Well we've beaten and hurt your dick,humiliated you, and now we've ruined your orgasm what have you got to say? , Do you still think it's a good idea to not cooperate with me?

Geo hangs his head in shame again as he finally comes to terms with his new life

Geo: No ma'am 

*Continuing on part 2*

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