Kathryn Hernandez (author)

Kathryn hernandez

Pete would laugh when I came back up from the mosh pit as I called it, and spank my arse raw. 

Tonight was different though.

The theme was totters and hottys. Pete had lined up a couple of extra dancers and staff. It was a money making way. Catch them at it and offer the membership at half price. 

‘Pete darling, I’m going downstairs and get a hotty upstairs ok? Watch me!’
‘Your so cheeky how do I put up with you Lexi?’
‘My good looks and how I can pull them in only to drop em’ 

And off I trotted. I was gracing my presents with downstairs for more than five minutes and I was out to pull and drop. As I walked into the foyer our newest recruit was stamping hands. I dropped into the queue. 

‘Hey Dave’
‘Alright Lexi what you doing down here’
‘Working silly’
‘But you’re the boss’s leggy bird’
‘Ah I know but I get bored plus I wanna dance and I can’t up there!’

And then I was off through the crowd and to the dance floor. Lights and sound blasting from all directions. I made sure I was insight of the camera especially for Pete and got my groove on. A few minutes past and a group of lads about 20ish worked in close. I knew that if I got in with them then I would get what I wanted. I moved closer. Suddenly Maroon 5- move like a jagger. My favorite song. Pete had bluntly requested it for me because ten seconds later there was a shout out from the decks.

‘This is a massive shout out from the boss, the girl with black tutu and the low cut top dancing. GET THOSE GUYS’ 

Deep embarrassment spread across my cheeks. But that did it. The boys surrounded me in seconds and were trying to show off they’re dancing. But soon I was getting down to business. The tallest, Ed, soon had his arms around my waist and mine were wrapped around his neck. He was a tad shorter than me, but I reasoned without my heels I was shorter. 

After a couple of songs I needed a drink and decided that these heels were on the short side of killing me. Ed must have thought the same because he whispered in a slurred voice…

‘Look babes I need a drink what do you want?’
‘Its ok I’ll get it… I’ve got a tab running’ (its only a little lie)
‘Well if your sure I’ll have a fosters sweetie but I’m coming to!’ 
And soon we were dragging each other through the crowd.

‘Lydia! Lydia! OI!’
‘Sorry Lexi usual?’
‘Sort of foster and mine please’
‘No P….’
‘Shhh I’m working the crowd and I’ve hooked one!’

I quickly handed Ed his drink had a couple of gulps.
‘Have you ever been upstairs its lush up there. My sister’s best mate designed’ 
‘Erm yeah once or twice why?’
‘Oh I have free membership because of Mol, my sister I mean, and I was wondering do you want to go up.’
‘Yeah why not’

SHIT! He wouldn’t pay of course he wouldn’t as I had got Molly 3 free memberships. 
Her Brother. 
Her brother being Ed.



Part 2 to come.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: 






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