John Lovelace (author)

John lovelace

jenny and told her that my water had broke and i am in labor. She refused her all works and told me that she would in my house with in five minutes. '' dont get afraid karuna i am just coming be brave.''

Two more cramps came by the time i got out of my wet clothes and into my nightgown. and then just my friend comes to my house. i feels so fear .As the morning passed into afternoon, the 22-year-old pregnant woman walked around the house, stopping to lean against something when contractions hit. one thing is good for me that my friend DR. Jenny is with me in my house now and she could handle every thing.

It was dark outside when i felt another powerful contraction coming. When it hit my gigantic stomach tightened and i dropped to a crouch as i felt an overwhelming urge to bear down. "It's time, jacky," I told my dog, "It's time to have your puppies." sitting near by me. i told jenny now i cant bear more..and starts groaned.

Then Jenny Dropping a pile of towels onto the bed, and told me gripped my dresser until the contraction eased then stripped out of my sweat-covered nightgown and laid down to give birth. Moving my bent knees wide apart, when the next contraction came, she tolds me that i have to gave in to the need to push. Three contractions later i felt a hairy head crowning my dilated opening.'' yes karuna give push...give push it hppend now.'' Bearing down i groaned then grunted as a wet puppy pushed out of my body to lay between my legs. OHH MY GOD its my dream that comes true now. It looked just like jecky. jecky was also there when i gave the birth of my first puppy he starts sniff his puppy. i was looking with tears in my eyes.'' OH Jecky now you become Father.''

Jenny had just finished cleaning the newborn puppy off when another contraction doubled me over. I groaned again then jenny placed her hands on my still swollen stomach and i pushed as another puppy came out of me . But before she could clean this one yet another contraction hit and i was grunting hoarsely as i gave birth to a third puppy. and then my groans not stop upto 45 minutes . contractions are coming one after one and on every contraction a new born comes out my body. i gave birth to 8 puppies. there after i feels some rest and my swollen belly shrink completely now.

I am so happy that i complete my canine family now. Dr. Jenny helped me. she took me on my bed. and then she cleaned my all newborn puppies. jecky was also looking so happy and moving around his pups. i am lying on my bed. after cleaning the puppies jenny bring all the puppies in my side.. my breasts are now becomes too heavy.. both breast are fully filled with milk now. i tried to give my nipple to my new born puppy but he was too little he can not suck my nipple.

jenny lives with me for a week to help me when my all puppies starts sucking my nipple and drinking my milk. then she goes to her house. but time to time she comes to me to play with my puppies .

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